PostsCommentsace108 in # • 4 days agoRE: 📷Two pickleball sessions and Japanese Ramen for two+ Video | 两次匹克球训练和两人份日式拉面+ 视频😎(by @ace108)you're welcome.ace108 in # • 6 days agoRE: 📷Two pickleball sessions and Japanese Ramen for two+ Video | 两次匹克球训练和两人份日式拉面+ 视频😎(by @ace108)Enjoy your walk.ace108 in # • 7 days agoRE: 📷#WednesdayWalk Walking around the coffeeshop before dinner | 晚餐前在咖啡店附近逛😎(by @ace108)You're welcome and thank youace108 in # • 12 days agoRE: 📷Hao Jia Ban Mian+ Video | 豪家板面+ 视频😎(by @ace108)Just happen to see this one I've not been to and decided to give it a try.ace108 in # • 12 days agoRE: 📷Hao Jia Ban Mian+ Video | 豪家板面+ 视频😎(by @ace108)Good to have more veg with the noodle. Hope you enjoy yours.ace108 in # • 12 days agoRE: 📷Cake and Coffee at Han's: A Pre-Pickleball Treat+ Video | Han's的蛋糕和咖啡:匹克球赛前小吃 + 视频😎(by @ace108)Haha, my DUPR drop from 3.105 to 2.99 after last Saturday tournament. In the beginning, it isn't going to be reflective. They said must get up up 60% probability at least, then…ace108 in # • 14 days agoRE: 📷Coffeeshop Comeback: Trying Wanton Noodles at Lorong 1| 翻新咖啡店的云吞面😎(by @ace108)真的算不错。ace108 in # • 14 days agoRE: 📷Coffeeshop Comeback: Trying Wanton Noodles at Lorong 1| 翻新咖啡店的云吞面😎(by @ace108)Hope you got a good bowl of noodle.ace108 in # • 15 days agoRE: 📷Coffeeshop Comeback: Trying Wanton Noodles at Lorong 1| 翻新咖啡店的云吞面😎(by @ace108)谢谢支持ace108 in # • 18 days agoRE: Warning: These pictures may cause paneer cravingswe have quite a lot of Indian food options but I don't think I have tried this Paneer before. Time to look out for it a bit.ace108 in # • 19 days agoRE: 📷Valentine's Day dinner at Collin's+ Video | 在 Collin's 吃情人节晚餐+ 视频😎(by @ace108)I'm not a fan of fried calamari but the lady was happy enough. 😎ace108 in # • 27 days agoRE: 📷Coffee and dessert at Chef's Playground + Video | Chef's Playground 的咖啡和甜点+ 视频😎(by @ace108)谢谢支持ace108 in # • 27 days agoRE: 📷Coffee and dessert at Chef's Playground + Video | Chef's Playground 的咖啡和甜点+ 视频😎(by @ace108)I'm glad it wasn't too sweet. Thanks for visiting.