Hello, good morning to all coffee lovers. During the Christmas season, it is quite common for me to prepare quesillo many times, and in different flavors, not only for my dessert business, but because it is my favorite, and one of the desserts that together with dulce de lechosa, we consume the most in my house during Christmas.
In those days, I wanted to try a recipe I had seen on the web for quesillo de pan, which is also prepared with cookies. In this case, I used bread because it was the ingredient I had at home. I made some changes in several elements, for example, I changed the rum for cream punch and the result was a superior flavor, the best, and also gave it more creaminess.

This quesillo did not have coffee, but I wanted to add it, and I also added a little cinnamon. The fusion of many ingredients that it did not have, gave it a special flavor, very tasty. I didn't take so many photos of the recipe at Christmas because I was concentrating on preparing the meals for the New Year's Eve dinner, so I prepared it again a few days ago, but this time I did add white rum because I didn't have any more cream punch.
I am going to give you the ingredients I used and the other options, and the steps to follow.

One cup bread crumbs
2 cups of powdered milk
2 cups of water
One cup of sugar
One cup with a mixture of:
Liquid coffee,
2 tablespoons of white rum or cream punch,
One tablespoon of vanilla
One tablespoon of cinnamon powder
For the caramel:
One cup of sugar
One tablespoon of water
Half a cup of water.

The first step is to make the caramel in an aluminum pan with one cup of sugar and one tablespoon of water, over moderate heat until it acquires the characteristic brown color. Add half a cup of water and let it continue boiling until it becomes thick. Remove from the fire and let it rest for a while to cover the walls of the mold.

Place the bread in a blender so that it is better crushed. Extract a cup of this bread.

In a container mix the dry ingredients except the cinnamon. These are the powdered milk, the sugar, and the bread.

In a cup mix the very strong liquid coffee, the cinnamon powder, the rum or cream punch, and the vanilla.

Finally the eggs, the cups of water, the cup of coffee with the other mixed ingredients are mixed in a blender, and little by little the dry ingredients are incorporated.

The mixture is poured into the mold with the already dry caramel, and it is taken to a bain-marie for approximately one hour.

Let it rest for a couple of hours, then refrigerate for another hour, and remove from the mold.

Finally, the best of all... enjoy this creamy delight that tastes like glory.

I hope you like the recipe. Thanks for visiting my blog... happy closing carnivals 2025.

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