Hola a todos, les comparto estas fotografías sobre una deliciosa parrilla realizada en casa de @karencita111; desde temprano nos invitaron a compartir la cocción de: carne, cerdo, pollo cocinados en su parrillera; Julio & Elvio fueron los cocineros; hicieron un pasto
de vegetables: berenjena, calabacín, tomate,cebolla,ajo lo asaron junto con la carne para luego triturar y agregar, pimienta, sal, aceite de oliva; les quedo delicioso. De igual forma prepararon ensalada de repollo, zanahoria, cilantro, aderezada con mayonesa, sal, aceite, mostaza. Por mi parte comí bastante salsa junto con carne de res, pollo y cerdo. La noche estuvo llena de música,bebidas, charla con amigos y finalmente esta cena. Sin Duda in momento agradable para recordar. GRACIAS POR LEER.
Hello everyone, I share with you these pictures of a delicious grill made at @karencita111's house; early in the morning they invited us to share the cooking of: meat, pork, chicken cooked in their grill; Julio & Elvio were the cooks; they made a vegetable pasture: eggplant, zucchini, tomato, onion, garlic, they grilled it together with the meat and then shredded and added pepper, salt, salt, olive oil; it was delicious.
of vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, tomato, onion, garlic, they roasted it together with the meat and then grinded it and added pepper, salt, olive oil; it was delicious. They also prepared a salad of cabbage, carrots, cilantro, dressed with mayonnaise, salt, oil and mustard. I ate a lot of salsa along with beef, chicken and pork. The night was filled with music, drinks, chatting with friends and finally this dinner. Without a doubt a nice moment to remember. THANKS FOR READING.
Imágenes tomadas desde mi teléfono Galaxy A25 5G Samsung. Contenido original. Portada: Canva. Text splitters / Divisores de texto. www.glitter-graphics.com.