I love beans though i don't consume it regularly. It's only when am hungry for it, that's when i will go for it. Instead of going for white beans or iron beans as we normally calls it, i decided to go for honey beans. It's very sweet beans and it's more delicious when mixed with unripe plantains. Because with riped plantains, it will be more sugary. Having unriped plantains, i think honey beans will be the best combo for it. I used the following.
Honey beans 2 cups
Unripe plantains 8 pieces
Carrots 2 small size
Onions 2 ball's
Green pepper 3 pieces
Palm oil 2% Big spoon
Fresh tomatoes 2 ball's
Selecting dirt's out from the beans. After that, i put it in the pot. Cover and perboil for 5 minutes.
Once 5 minutes elapsed, i bring the beans down from the fire and poured it out in seive. Return it back to pot, add water to it, cover and light up the cooking cylinder. Return the beans back to the fire and moved to the next.
Next was to wash the plantains. Pill out the shells and wash again with neat water.
While washing the second time, i washed together with the vegetables which includes the fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions and peppers and put all together in a tray.
Then i proceeded with the slicing of each of them starting from the plantains. I sliced it by cutting them into four smaller particles.
While slicing the beans was boiling in the fire. Which lasted for 40 minutes. And before then, i was done with the slicing.
Once the beans was soft, i added the sliced plantains to it. Adding the palm oil, pepper, some parts of the onion to it including salt for taste and additional water to it for it to done properly.
I allow it to boil for another 10 minutes. At this time, the plantains has done ✅. I now added the remaining sliced vegetables to it.
Mixed properly and covered to steam for 3 seconds. I love enjoying those vegetables halfdone. Bring it down and dish out the food.
With the honey beans which has sweet natural taste and enriched with protein, i really enjoyed the food. Including the carrots that gave it a better aroma 🤠. Thanks for following up with the steps.