[ENG/DEU] Burn Report: Now 12,125,104.48775059 CCD


It's been a while since the last burn report. So here's another update.

Der letzte Burn-Bericht ist eine Zeit lang her. Folglich gibt es mal wieder ein Update.

So far we have burned:

11,254,256.98002705 CCD (current value 2,684.169 USD)

Burned today:

870,847.50772354 CCD (current value 207,699 USD)
Link to the transaction

So in total:

12,125,104.48775059 CCD (current value 2,891.868 USD)
Link to the wallet of @null

Bisher waren verbrannt:

11.254.256,98002705 CCD (aktueller Wert 2.684,169 USD)

Heute wurden verbrannt:

870.847,50772354 CCD (aktueller Wert 207,699 USD)
Link zur Transaktion

Somit in Summe:

12.125.104,48775059 CCD (aktueller Wert 2.891,868 USD)
Link zum Wallet von @null

Where do the current CCDs come from?

Today's CCD comes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service (@ccceo.voter), which burns 100% of its revenue. This further reduces the availability of the CCD and supports the price development of the CCD.

This CCD of the voting service only comes about because the service is used so actively. I would therefore like to thank all users. It is a pleasure for me that we are pulling together in this respect: the Voting Service offers you an APR of several hundred percent; CryptoCompany offers you the opportunity to reduce the amount of available CCD. So it's a win-win-win for everyone involved.

P.S.: The Voting Service is running even more successfully after its last update - for the user as well as for CryptoCompany itself. A report on this will certainly follow as soon as a little more time has passed in order to be able to present meaningful figures for a longer period of time.

Woher kommen die aktuellen CCD?

Die heutigen CCD stammen vom CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service (@ccceo.voter), welcher 100% seiner Einnahmen verbrennt. Damit wird die Verfügbarkeit des CCD weiter reduziert und die Preisentwicklung des CCD unterstützt.

Diese CCD des Voting Services kommen nur zustande, weil der Service so aktiv genutzt wird. Von daher mein Dankeswort an alle Nutzer. Es ist mir eine Freude, dass wir diesbezüglich an einem Strang ziehen: der Voting Service bietet Dir eine APR von mehreren hundert Prozent; CryptoCompany bietet er die Möglichkeit, die Menge der verfügbaren CCD zu reduzieren. Also ein Win-Win-Win für alle Beteiligten.

P.S.: Der Voting Service läuft seinem letzten Update noch erfolgreicher - für den Nutzer, wie auch CryptoCompany selbst. Ein Bericht dazu folgt sicherlich, sobald etwas mehr Zeit vergangen ist, um aussagekräftige Zahlen eines längeren Zeitraums präsentieren zu können.

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day & stay healthy!

See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your time!



You like to stay informed or support CryptoCompany or PowerPaul?
Here are our articles from the last 7 days:
(and on all of them the commentrewarder is activated!)

@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] That's it. It is over... Excuse me. I'm so sorry!
@cryptocompany | Your opinion counts: Do you want co-determination?
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] HSBI Generator | New Website Function


Great burn.

Pop Tv Burn GIF by Schitt's Creek


[@PowerPaul:] :-) Thank you for your support on (not only) that!


I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant
but then I changed my mind.

Credit: marshmellowman
@edgerik, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

You are doing such an amazing job. !BBH

[@PowerPaul:] joah... och... Thank you! I just do the things I like & love, try to fill my role as a good Hivians; hopefully as best as I can... Joah... You may be right... I'm modest about that... But it is my joy and pleasure when I hear that you like it and when it serves you.

Unicorn, thank you for your feedback! It is a pleasure!



I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

Credit: reddit
@cryptounicorn420, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

@cryptocompany, I paid out 0.546 HIVE and 0.132 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.