Hello everyone good day to you , hope you all are doing great.
Speaking of happiness today i want to share something sweet and delicious recipes, super easy to make.
This is party jollof rice mostly prepared for occasion, birthday parties and wedding. People mostly attend function just to have a taste of this particular jollof recipes. And I'm happy to share this beautiful recipe with you.
Medium Sonia tomatoes paste
Small Party jollof tomatoe paste
2 large onion
Dry Grounded pepper
3 raw eggs
2 dry catfish
Medium groundnut oil
Grounded crayfish
4 cubes of Maggi
Rosemary leafs
Chicken powder seasoning
Theme and Curry powder
2 medium cup of rice
Preparing ingredients
Wash your rice three times then place aside .
Wash and slice your onions, they place aside
Step 1
Turn on your cooking gas , place a pot intop of it .
Add groundnut oil inside your pot let it heat for some seconds before pouring your slices onions.
Step 2
Pour in your tomatoes paste, stir for some seconds .
Step 3
Add all your spices seasonings power for great taste , stir it well so it won't get burnt .
Step 4
Add one teaspoon of salt and dry pepper, together with your cubes of Maggi
Step 5
Add water to it , pour your wash rice then cover to cook properly.
Step 6
Wash your catfish and raw eggs, place inside your
rice to cook alone
Finally your Nigeria party jollof rice is ready to eat