Fin de semana para nuestros entrenamientos con Hive Run; es decir día de entrenamiento con los miembros de la comunidad de corredores, estos días me gustan mucho porque nos permite compartir con los miembros y conocernos un poquito más.
Esta oportunidad compartí con @Erilej @danielvehe @abima04; un día súper productivo. En principio no tenía idea hacia donde íbamos, al punto que pensé que íbamos a la montaña y no a correr, sin embargo cuando nos encontramos me di explicaron hacia donde íbamos y que sí correríamos, punto aclarado dejé muchas cosas en mi carro que cargaba y dejé el bolso liviano 🤣
No pensaba correr hoy, o si corría sería algunos 5km porque estaba cansada, había trabajado la noche con la implementación técnica lo que no me hizo descansar bien. Sin embargo; tenía mucha energía.
Pero sigo con mis entrenamientos, que van de la mano con Hive Run, si no sabes de qué va este movimiento deportivo te dejo esta información que seguro te ayudará a ser parte de él:
Presentación del proyecto
Están invitados a ser parte de este movimiento motivador.
Weekend for our training with Hive Run; that is training day with the members of the running community, I really like these days because it allows us to share with the members and get to know each other a little more.
This time I shared with @Erilej @danielvehe @abima04; a super productive day. At first I had no idea where we were going, to the point that I thought we were going to the mountain and not to run, however when we met I gave me explained where we were going and that yes we would run, point clarified I left many things in my car that I was carrying and left the light bag 🤣.
I wasn't planning to run today, or if I did run it would be some 5km because I was tired, I had worked the night with the technical implementation which didn't make me rest well. However; I had plenty of energy.
I started running because it was necessary to be part of Hive Run, now it is necessary for me to run to feel good, I feel very proud of these achievements, it makes me forget, injuries and any medical report that says I shouldn't run 🥳🥳 awesome.
Project presentation
You are invited to be part of this motivational movement.
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My training records
Mis registros de entrenamientos
Enero | |||||||
2024 | 2025 | ||||||
Día | Distancia | Tiempo | Ritmo | Día | Distancia | Tiempo | Ritmo |
05 | 7.08 | 00.59:18 | 8.26 | ||||
07 | 8.50 | 01.07:33 | 7.58 | ||||
09 | 7 | 00.58:00 | 8.17 | ||||
10 | 12 | 01:42:57 | 8.34 | ||||
12 | 3.10 | 23 m | 7:25 | ||||
11 | 10 | 01:22:01 | 8.12 | ||||
15 | 5.01 | 43.15 m | 8.39 | 15 | 5 | 00:35:29 | 7.06 |
17 | 6.18 | 49.06 m | 7:55 | 17 | 5.14 | 00:37:45 | 7.24 |
19 | 21 | 02:48:09 | 8.01 | ||||
20 | 10 | 1.27 m | 8.32 | 20 | 7 | 00:50:42 | 7.15 |
24 | 9 | 1:10 m | 7.47 | 24 | 10 | 01:12:57 | 7.18 |
26 | 21 | 02:49:23 | 8.04 | ||||
28 | 12 | 1.43 m | 8.39 | 28 | 5 | 00:35:00 | 7.0 |
29 | 5.40 | 36.49 m | 6.49 | 29 | 3 | 00.20.15 | 6.45 |
30 | 5 | 00:35:22 | 7.04 | ||||
31 | 10.10 | 1.14.58 m | 7.25 | ||||
Febrero | |||||||
04 | 21 | 2.59 | 8.11 | 04 | 5 | 00:37:31 | 7.30 |
07 | 3 | 21.07 | 7.02 | 07 | 7 | 00:49:59 | 7.08 |
08 | 4.1 | 27.09 | 6.37 | ||||
09 | 14 | 02:02:00 | 8.46 | ||||
10 | 9.9 | 1.14.20 | 7.26 | 10 | 5 | 00:33:51 | 6.46 |
11 | 4 | 00:27:10 | 6.47 | ||||
16 | 22.02 | 02:47:40 | 7.37 | ||||
18 | 10 | 1.12.59 | 7.39 | ||||
20 | 5 | 36.03 | 7.02 | 20 | 3 | 00.20.08 | 6.43 |
21 | 4 | 00:25:55 | 6.29 | ||||
22 | 5 | 34.1 | 6.48 | ||||
23 | 5 | 00:36:16 | 7.12 | ||||
24 | 15.04 | 1.55.35 | 7.41 | ||||
26 | 4 | 00:25:37 | 6.24 | ||||
Marzo | |||||||
01 | 5.11 | 34.34 | 7.47 | ||||
02 | 17.01 | 1.56.35 | 6.51 | ||||
05 | 3 | 00:19:15 | 6.25 | ||||
06 | 5.07 | 33.10 | 6.38 | 06 | 4 | 00.25.28 | 6.22 |
07 | 3 | 00:18:43 | 6.14 | ||||
09 | 10 | 01:18:04 | 7.47 | ||||
10 | 10.01 | 1.21.35 | 8.07 | ||||
12 | 5 | 33.01 | 6.36 | ||||
13 | 4 | 26.32 | 6.38 | ||||
17 CAF 2024 | 21 | 2.48 |
Check out my activity on Strava:
Echa un vistazo a mi actividad en Strava: Echa un vistazo a mi carrera en Strava:
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Una ruta divina, no tenía idea que me iba a gustar 😍 creo que podría ser una ruta para ir los domingos😍 aunque tiene algunas secciones del camino bastante estrechos, del resto todo es bellisimo. Aunque es muy buena para correr, me gustó mucho para caminar.
Según Strava marcó 10 km el el reloj marcaba 9km y mis compañeros de Hive Rune explicaban la distancia de la ruta 🤣 primera vez que strava marca de más y no de menos 🤣
Además de la ruta, el compartir en comunidad es muy productivo, conocernos ayuda a fortalecer el lazo como comunidad. Como siempre corrimos a nuestros propios ritmos, según mis registros de strava mi ritmo está bastante equilibrado y me sentí bien en todo el recorrido; corrí como me gusta ligero, con buena respiración, sólo tuve algunas pausas para tomar fotos y en partes que eran subidas que aún no las domino 😅 pero en general estuvo espectacular. Además el clima estuvo divino.
A divine route, I had no idea I was going to like it 😍 I think it could be a route to go on Sundays😍 although it has some sections of the road quite narrow, otherwise everything is beautiful. Although it's great for running, I really liked it for walking.
According to Strava it marked 10km the watch marked 9km and my Hive Rune mates were explaining the distance of the route 🤣 first time strava marked over and not under 🤣.
Besides the route, the community sharing is very productive, getting to know each other helps strengthen the bond as a community. As always we ran at our own paces, according to my strava records my pace is pretty balanced and I felt good throughout the course; I ran as I like light, with good breathing, I only had a few breaks to take pictures and in parts that were climbs that I still don't master 😅 but overall it was spectacular. Plus the weather was divine.
Carrera | Año | Km | Tiempo | Ritmo |
CAF | 2024 - Marzo | 21 | 2:48:27 | |
CAF | 2025 - 16 Febrero | 21 | 2:41:27 | |
Carrera por la Tierra | 2023 | 10 | 1:25:27 | |
Carrera por la Tierra | 2024 | 10 | 1:12:07 | |
CCS ROCK | 2023 - 02 Oct | 10 | 1:20:59 | |
CCS ROCK | 2024- 06 Oct | 10 | 1:12:29 | |
BBVA Provincial | 2024 - | 5 | 32:00 |
Me Inspiro EnmyMente cada día 🥳
No te olvides de visitar @enmymente para que conozcas más de Hive Blockchain
EnglishI'm inspired by EnmyMind every day 🥳
Don't forget to visit @enmymente to learn more about Hive.
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