restless curiosity,
know that
will never
extinguish the
smoldering embers
of your discontent,
except for happiness,
which is only
a choice away.
that makes us
look without seeing,
listen without hearing,
live without being.
to be said
about sitting
on a porch,
enjoying a sunset,
and completely
losing yourself in
its symphony of colors
with your feet up,
sipping on some
mellow bourbon
without a single word
or worry in
this world.
it doesn’t get
any better.
of reverence,
a fair amount
of civility,
and a smidgeon
of luck
maybe someday
we'll escape
your grasp
and finally
find our way.
(Gifs sourced from Giphy.com)

Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.
Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on Amazon.com.
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