Good day everyone! Weekend is coming and we just need to be patient 😉. Today I decided to try Carbonara. It's my first time to cook this food. Nowadays there's a lot of complete sauce for Carbonara before you need to mix different creamer and milk to make the sauce. My first try is not bad and I will try it again with different kind of noodles.
The ingredients that we have here is onion, garlic, carrot, ham, spaghetti pasta, carbonara sauce and cheese. First thing I did was chop the onion, garlic, ham and carrot. While doing that I also put the pasta on a boiling water with salt and oil.
After waiting for the pasta to be al dente. I fried the ham and set it aside.
Saute the carrot, onion and onion with butter and small amount of oil.
Next add the carbonara sauce, spaghetti pasta and ham.
Finally served it with love. I know there is no carrot on pasta carbonara 😁 however I just wanted to add color on it. It's not bad to try and doesn't affect the taste. Next time I try different brand of this instant carbonara sauce.

I hope you guys enjoy my post. More posts to go 😘 Thank you for stopping by, until my next post.
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