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RE: Market Friday - Orange chicken and other products we came across in a large supermarket in Bolivia. / Pollo anaranjado y otros productos que nos cruzamos en un gran supermercado de Bolivia. 😃❤️

in Market Friday17 days ago

Good morning dear friend @lauramica how are you?

The development of products in this country is impressive, it seems that in this aspect we are lagging a bit here in the country

More than 40 years ago the chickens here also had that color, I remember some chickens from the Crested Red brand, I think it has to do with the feeding of the birds, at that time the chickens that were sold were from farms, today it is more industrialized, there are even many processes to accelerate the growth of the birds, and surely that takes away color and perhaps quality

How great that you have had the opportunity to see all these new products

Have a happy start to the week


Hello Luis, good afternoon. How interesting that. I read here that the colour of the skin is due to what they eat, for example if they eat more corn with carotenoids the colour is more orange. It is because of consumer preference because the chicken is the same, in Argentina I have never seen chicken of this colour, I guess we prefer white chicken haha.

Thanks for your support ❤️.