Hello, dear friends of HIVE. Happy Friday, today I am here to share with you this recommendation of the green juice that I have been taking for about a month, I know it is a short time, but I feel that I have seen good results, plus it seems to me something extremely healthy. I had read that it had many benefits for our body, strengthens our immune system, improves the appearance of our skin, helps us to stay energetic, promotes cardiovascular functions, among many things, it was not until a month ago that I broached the subject with my boss by pure chance, and it turns out that she has been taking it for years on an empty stomach.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
3 Manzanas verdes (3 green apples)
1 pepino (1 cucumber)
150 gr de espinaca (150 gr spinach)
150 gr de celery (150 gr of celery)
1 piña (1 pineapple)
Es práctico, fácil y rápido, no requiere de mucho esfuerzo, y no es necesario agregarle endulzantes, yo empecé pelando y picando las frutas, las coloqué en un envase, tratando de que estuvieran divididas porque como voy a tomar el batido en la mañana, quería apartar las porciones. Utilicé bolsitas plásticas transparentes pequeñas para separar la porción de cada día. Me salieron con exactitud con esas cantidades expresadas para 13 días, destacando que, no se debe de agregar mucha espinaca ni celery por la cantidad de oxalatos que contienen. En general, me he sentido mucho más activa, dinámica y productiva. Si alguien aquí lo ha tomado, me gustaría leer sus recomendaciones, tips o consejos.
It is practical, easy and fast, it does not require much effort, and it is not necessary to add sweeteners, I started by peeling and chopping the fruits, I put them in a container, trying to divide them because as I am going to drink the smoothie in the morning, I wanted to separate the portions. I used small clear plastic bags to separate each day's portion. They came out exactly with those amounts expressed for 13 days, noting that you should not add too much spinach or celery because of the amount of oxalates they contain. In general, I have felt much more active, dynamic and productive. If anyone here has taken it, I would like to read your recommendations, tips or advice.
Con amor, Julli
With love Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 12
All photos are my own, taken with my redmi 12
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