When it comes to eating a delicious dessert we sometimes tend to worry about the amount of calories it may contain or the consequences that eating something sweet will have on our health. For those who are concerned about eating healthy, today I have brought you the recipe for this healthy cake for all of us who take care of our body and at the same time want to treat ourselves without having to suffer health consequences for eating it.
This is a cake free of gluten and oils with high content of saturated fats, it also contains no artificial additives or sugar, its sweetness comes from the fructose of the banana or cambur and raisins.
Here are the ingredients to prepare this gluten-free Cambur cake.
400 grams of flaked oatmeal
300 grams of cambur or banana
50 grams of cocoa powder
150 grams of raisins
50 grams of sesame seed or toasted sesame seed
15 cc of extra virgin olive oil
5 cc of salt
2.5 cc of baking powder
700 ml of water.
Measuring spoons
Measuring cups
Spoon, fork
Baking tray

Place the sesame seeds or sesame seeds in a frying pan over low heat to toast, set aside. Place the 400 grams of oat flakes in a bowl, then add most of the dry elements such as: 50 grams of cocoa powder, stir well with a spoon so that the cocoa and oatmeal are well integrated.
Add 5 cc of salt, then add 140 grams of raisins, leaving the remaining 10 grams to add at the end, then add 40 grams of toasted sesame, leaving 10 grams in reserve to garnish at the end, then add 15 cc of extra virgin olive oil and stir with the purpose of integrating each of the ingredients and that it gets a uniform flavor, now it is the turn of the baking powder which corresponds to 2.5 cc.
The elements are mixed and now it is the turn of the water that I put little by little up to 700ml because as we know the oatmeal absorbs the water at rest, making use of the mixer and the bread beaters we mix, adding the liquid little by little.
Peel the bananas and mash them with the help of a fork in my case, you can also blend or process them with a food processor so that the pureed bananas are left without pieces and it is easier to spread, then add them to the dough and mix again, add the 10 grams of raisins that were reserved so that they remain floating in the mixture.
Pour oil into the container where it is going to be baked and place the preparation in the oven preheated to 350 fahrenheit for one hour, to be sure it is cooked insert a toothpick or knife and if it comes out clean it means that the cake is ready. Take it out and let it cool, run a knife around the edge to remove the cake from the package and place it on a plate, to garnish, add the sesame seeds that were reserved for garnish
And this is how our delicious oatmeal, chocolate and banana cake turned out.
When I tasted it, it had little sweetness, which is ideal for me, but if you want it to be sweeter you can add more bananas to the preparation. As you could see the cake is quite healthy and can be given to people with gluten intolerance or people who suffer from high sugar. The portions served were 7 servings and the cake weighed 1 ½ kg.
As you can see this cake is nutritious because the banana contains vitamin C and potassium, the oatmeal provides fiber helping to control glycemia, stabilizing sugar levels and reducing cholesterol levels.
Cocoa provides magnesium, iron, vitamin B, contains antioxidants, along with sesame which contains fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6, in addition to having proteins, contains calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B6 and others.
I hope you find this recipe useful, it is quite healthy and ideal to share, I hope you can replicate it if you want. If you read this far I thank you, see you in a next vegan recipe, until then.

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