Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are all well, wherever you are. On this occasion I will share a cake recipe that I did myself, namely (Timphan Baloen), this is our regional language, Aceh, or called rolled tortilla stuffed with coconut. , and I want to show you how to do it, that for us it is very easy to do, let's see how to do it.
Here are the ingredients that we need to prepare, that is, wheat flour, add enough water to make it liquid, I forgot to take a photo, the coconut that Tosté became a beautiful color so I really want to try it later, and also the oil I need to do it. The cake does not stick to the Teflon.
Then he heats the teflon and grease the Teflon with oil so that it does not stick and thus it is easy to move the cake and add the flour I prepared before.
Then I covered it for a while until it was cooked and when I was cooked I lifted it.
I waited a moment because I was still hot, then I added the coconut I had roasted and wrapped it.
And this is the result of my homemade cake recipe, specifically rolled tortilla or what we usually call (Timphan Baloen), it is very easy to make, in addition to easy taste it is also very appealing, you have to try it if you want. Eating a typical Aceh cake, the taste will definitely not disappoint you
That is the recipe and how I make a timfan cake with typical Aceh balloons that has an unbeatable flavor. Thank you very much for going through my post, friend.