3000 Reasons To Pack Your Lunch

in #personal18 days ago

My Late Celebration of National Pack Your Lunch Day

I set out to cook more this month as a part of a personal campaign. Why? Let’s take a look at the numbers.

  • In January this year, I spent $201.90 on restaurants and dining, $56 under my monthly average.
  • I spent $292.56 in February, $35 over the monthly average. The culprit for the higher spending was the bill for my birthday dinner. My mom paid me back, though.
  • This month so far, I have only spent $13.79 on food.

Keep in mind, these are values tabulated on one payment option. Curious enough, same time last year I only spent $111.05 on something to eat.

While I’m happy to say that I’m under the monthly average this year, the revelation that on average I spend $250 on food a month is enlightening.

I could have more money to gamble on crypto if I wasn’t such a spendthrift for dining out! Facetiousness won’t fix this, but it’s true. I could certainly save more towards gifts for birthdays, decor for the home, or necessities like belts for the car or a new one altogether.

$250 a month is $3,000 a year! Funds may be my first reason, but making your own meals empowers, too. I read that a wild opinion that some men hold online the other day.

There’s a prevalent theory floating that men into their older age can suffer from ‘male menopause’ marked by lower testosterone, increased weight gain, and other factors.

Of course, that’s bull. The drive to maintain a healthy diet, remain active and maintain muscle mass through weight lifting isn’t shared by all.

If eating out isn’t thinning your wallet, it’s expanding your waist line. At least, it’s doing mine no favors.

That’s why, even past the holiday, I found it important to share. 3 grand a year could go towards your goals. You could keep your same belt without boring new notches in it.

What did you have for lunch today? It’s okay if you had to pay. Eating out isn’t a mortal sin, or anything.

I myself, enjoyed a turkey sandwich with LTOP (lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle), a bottle of apple juice, and apple slices to scoop healthy amounts of peanut butter.

I’m always looking for ideas, so comments are welcome. Maybe I’ll try your recipe one day soon.


I spent more than needed on food. 😋
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And that's okay! We have to eat to live! But sometimes, I go too far..

Yeah, that's it.