Hello friends from this beautiful community, today I stop by to show you this nice Saturday next to my aunts, we had a lot of fun making coconut kisses and the day ended with a delicious pizza.
Iniciamos el día dirigiendonos a casa de mi abuela a almorzar, cómo es costumbre mi tía nos había hecho una rica sopa de carne, y nos sentamos a desgustarla. Sin embargo a eso olvide hacerle una fotografía. Al terminar de almorzar mi tía nos dijo que iba a hacer unos ricos besos de coco, ya hace algunos días le habíamos comprado los ingredientes para que los realizará, así que se puso manos a la obra.
We started the day heading to my grandmother's house for lunch, how is custom my aunt had made us a rich meat soup, and we sat down to dislike her. However, forget to take a picture of it. At the end of having lunch my aunt told us that she was going to make some rich coconut kisses, some days ago we had bought her the ingredients to carry out, so she got to work.
Esperamos al rededor de 30 minutos que se hicieran en el horno, y cuando salieron los disfrutamos demasiado, estaban deliciosos. Mi tía sin duda hace todo rico.
We waited around 30 minutes for them to be made in the oven, and when they came out we enjoyed them too much, they were delicious. My aunt certainly makes everything rich.
Después de reposar un poco y conversar en el porche de la casa, salimos a hacer unas compras por allí cerca, y mi prima tuvo que fotografiarse en un evento político para su trabajo.
After resting a little and talking on the porch of the house, we went out to do some shopping around there, and my cousin had to photograph herself in a political event for her work.
Mi tía y mi prima se fueron, yo tenía mucha hambre así que pedí una pizza para llevármela a casa pero realmente esas pizzas son grandes para 2 personas, así que busque la pizza y me la comí en qué mi abuela para compartirla con mi tía.
My aunt and cousin left, I was very hungry so I ordered a pizza to take her home but really those pizzas are big for 2 people, so I looked for the pizza and ate it on what my grandmother to share it with my aunt.
Estaba muy rica, tenía calabreza, maíz y peperonni
She was very rich, she had zucpurity, corn, and peperonn
Al terminar de cenar nos fuimos y ese fue todo nuestro día, espero que les guste.
At the end of dinner we left and that was all our day, I hope you like it.
Todas las fotos capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.
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