Carne molida para cenar 😋 Ground beef for dinner 😋

in #dclud2 months ago

Hola a todos queridos amigos de la plataforma! Hoy quiero comentarles que mi posts de ayer nuevamente @erikah le ha dado votos negativos y lo ha dejado en cero totalmente, quisiera denunciar este usuario públicamente! Espero que algún día se resuelva esta situación mientras tanto les seguiré publicando!
El día de hoy en casa de mi abuela hicimos una rica carne molida, a nosotros no nos gusta echarle tantas cosas solo echamos ajo, sal y o onoto para darle color, muchos dirán que con ese poquito de ingredientes no queda rica pero en realidad sí queda divina! A mí me encanta la carne molida, la razón por la que no le colocamos más ingredientes fue porque esa carne llegó tarde y no teníamos a niños en casa, solo teníamos eso que comenté! Pero después de todo quedó muy buena la carne con eso cenamos y quedó para mañana para el desayuno de los niños para la escuela. Esta carne es básicamente carne de res pero como la palabra dice "molida". 🫶

Hello everyone, dear friends of the platform! Today I want to tell you that my posts from yesterday have been given negative votes again by @erikah and have left it at zero completely, I would like to report this user publicly! I hope that one day this situation will be resolved, in the meantime I will continue to publish!
Today at my grandmother's house we made a delicious ground beef, we don't like to put so many things in it, we only added garlic, salt and annatto to give it color, many will say that with that little bit of ingredients it doesn't taste good but in reality it does taste divine! I love ground beef, the reason we didn't add more ingredients was because that meat arrived late and we didn't have children at home, we only had what I mentioned! But after all the meat was very good, we had dinner with that and it was left for the children's breakfast for school tomorrow. This meat is basically beef but as the word says "ground". 🫶


