Un cordial saludo apreciados amigos de la comunidad!. Bueno como buen venezolana que soy hoy no me quise dar mala vida por cena complicada, mi esposo mi hijo y yo teníamos mucha hambre y queríamos algo rápido para comer así que comprando panes salados, jamón y queso amarillo y los rellenamos con eso para comer rápido y así fué, recuerdo que de pequeña esta era mi comida de merienda pero esta vez fué nuestra cena en casa, la verdad llena bastante y es muy rico. También es económico y a mi hijo le encanta, el queso amarillo es algo incomparable que tenía rato que no comía, realmente es divino y me alegra estar aquí para volver a comerlo, yo desde que llegué no e parado de comer lo que extrañaba porque siento que acá la comida sabe muy distinta y me encanta!🫶
A cordial greeting dear friends of the community! Well, as a good Venezuelan that I am, today I did not want to give myself a bad life with a complicated dinner, my husband, my son and I were very hungry and we wanted something quick to eat, so we bought salty bread, ham and yellow cheese and we filled them with that to eat quickly and so it was, I remember that when I was little this was my snack food but this time it was our dinner at home, the truth is quite filling and it is very tasty. It is also economical and my son loves it, the yellow cheese is something incomparable that I had not eaten for a while, it really is divine and I am happy to be here to eat it again, since I arrived I have not stopped eating what I missed because I feel that here the food tastes very different and I love it! 🫶
Gracias por llegar hasta acá, tu apoyo para mi es muy importante y lo agradezco mucho!❤️🩹
Thank you for coming this far, your support is very important to me and I really appreciate it! ❤️🩹