Achieving so much through fasting

in #fastinglast year (edited)

Ofcourse you can achieve so much in life through fasting, or by consuming light organic foods, drinks etc

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Warning: before you proceed, please note that this article is partly spiritual and actually a true reflection of what happened in real life. If you are easily pissed by spiritual stuff please don't continue reading.

I know a man back in the days who was struggling to maintain his fasting schedule, he tried so hard to maintain it through several ways but the desire for foods was stronger, then he prayed about that, and later fell into trance where he was revealed things that were really astounding. He was told that humans were constantly overloaded with foods by a dark entity to weaken them. And while still in the trance, he saw what looks like a light wave passing across his face and he immediately understood what that means without any verbal communication. It seems he was telepathically told that it means fasting will make him become light.
Ever since that encounter, he was able put more effort into his fasting schedule, and probably began to improve.
I do fast with his method. The nice thing about his kind of fasting is that it tends to make me feel better, more focused, really light, happy, more productive, plus other important benefits I will mention later.
This method of fasting involves staying without foods in the morning or whenever i need to work. Sometimes I consumed light foods especially organic/healthy fruits, vegetables, oil (to lubricate the brain). During the fasting period and I feel more active with clear mind and lots of energy to work as long as possible without easily getting tired. The feeling was just so good that sometimes it felt like I was floating around effortlessly in the air with nothing to stop me. I was able to think deeply, speak and imagine things clearly. In fact it has changed my life for good but it was never that way with heavy meals.

Here is precisely how to go about the fasting, plus other benefits it offers:

✔️Adopt 0—1 —1 feeding per day. The 011 represents fasting in the morning, feeding in the afternoon and evening.

✔️Consume healthy meals after fasting in the morning: You may consume heavy meals in the afternoon and light meal in the evening before 7pm. With the light evening meal, your sleep become enjoyable and you wakeup in the morning feeling refreshed and full of energy.

✔️You may start fasting in the morning and end the fasting whenever your body can handle. I'd advise beginners to start fasting from early in the morning when they wake up from sleep to 12pm in the afternoon. They can gradually stretch this time as they become comfortable fasting longer hours, and as long as their bodies can handle. If you are worried about going for so long without food then eat light healthy meals while fasting. It's called fruit-fasting. And as name suggests, it's about feasting on light foods such as fruits, vegetables, a bit of healthy oil/fat, fish, and probably a slice of organic bread or bit of carbohydrate, tea, water etc. This should help those with health issues, fear of hunger or even those who have access to fruits/vegetables during fasting.

✔️Drink lots of warm water during the fast, probably mixed with natural fruit juice or some tea/herbs. It helps clean the body of toxic substances and up your energy level.

✔️From my experience, it is more awesome to start eating fruits, vegetables, honey etc in empty stomach during fasting. It especially helps in quick recovery from health issues, increases energy levels and helps prevent the temptation to eat heavy meals while fasting.

✔️If You are used to short fast, like from 6am to 12noon and can now go longer, then increase the fasting time gradually. Don't forget to occasionally eat light & healthy rather than heavy meals if you feel the strong urge to eat while fasting.

✔️It's best to work while fasting, it makes working more productive.

✔️Consume really good information while fasting. Good Information tends to lighten up the mind, increase understanding and make things clearer when consumed during fasting. I would strongly recommend good materials like Christian spiritual books called the Bible. It could make you hear, see or know things that were previously hidden. You could even fall into trance during serious fasting while listening to them. I would recommend "Audio Bible KJV (King James Version)". Focus more on the Words of the LORD in the audio books or consume all the New Testament books (Matthew to Revelations) in the Bible. The audio Bible can be found on youtube... Listen and believe without doubting, because the Words are true and will lighten up your mind which is important in increasing your hidden abilities and taking you through great spiritual experiences similar to what I described above. The Word is the only thing I know that can get a "dead brain" without light firing up again

Other Benefits of Fasting

*It helps your body manage and fight disease better
*It gives better control over bad addictions
*It makes you feel better and healthier
*It can increase your IQ
*It increases your productivity
*If you fast before going to bed especially evening, you wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

Now you have it, why don't you give it a try? And if you decide to try it do it accordingly to this instructions to be on the safe side.

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