Shoppers Call Out Harmful Artificial Dyes in Popular Cereals

in #foodlast year (edited)

It's easy to share information quickly today online that can reach many around the world and when it comes to food safety and popular food items there are many stories to be found.

It is a concern for many whether or not their favorite food items are made with harmful artificial dyes and some might be surprised to find that they are eating foods made with ingredients that could be banned in other areas, or several regions altogether.

One item that gets heavily scrutinized is popular cereal brands that are frequently marketed to children with their bright colors and attractive cartoon images.

Critics say that these cereal brands aren't doing enough to protect consumers from harmful ingredients, like potentially harmful artificial dyes for example.

They might wonder why certain regulatory checks-and-balances in the market also aren't doing more as well to stop this issue.

These cereals are a big part of the diet for millions of people despite being considered an ultra processed food that many might be trying to consume less of these days.

The issue that many find with cereals today, with various products containing one questionable ingredient or another, has opened up a market for better alternatives to come around as well.

There are a wide range of craft cereal options that have shown up in the market in recent years as an alternative to the popular ones you find while going down the cereal aisle at your local grocery store, many of which contain a lot of the same ingredients.

Most of those ingredients are something a growing number of consumers today seem to be trying to avoid. It's clear that consumers for the most part do care about what they are eating and when companies provide value in making things easier for them to make better choices, by offering better ingredients that might come at a higher price for example, then they are more than happy to support that with their dollars.