I made deviled eggs. Lots of deviled eggs. It's game night gang Friendsgiving! "Deviled" is apparently an old-time way to say "spicy."
I bought 3 dozen eggs at the store because store bought eggs are easier to peel after hard-boiling. Local henfruit from the neighbor's chickens are better overall, but if you have ever tried to peel the shell off a fresh egg, you know why I did it this way.
Last night, I boiled 16 eggs at a time in the biggest kettle I had, and I ran two batches. After work at the library this afternoon, I went home and peeled them all under running water. Only 4 were messed up in the process.
After the peeling party, I disposed of the evidence of bad peeling, and cut all the eggs in half. A few of the egg whites were too thin, and tore. I made those disappear after the next step.
While I was cutting the eggs, I put the whites in platters and the yolks in a bowl. I added highly-scientific globs of Dijon mustard and mayonnaise while mashing the yolks until the consistency looked right, and added a teaspoon or so of salt, and a scant teaspoon of black pepper. I tested the flavor and consistency by disposing of the torn egg white halves.
Once everything tasted right, I scooped spoonfuls of the mixture into the white halves and then sprinkled paprika over everything. It's not the most photogenic, but they needed to survive a car ride anyway. In total, I had 3 glass containers plus the pie plate I needed to return all set up with savory snacks. I don't expect them to last long.