Memories of Puglia {EN/ES} Memorias de Puglia

in #foodlast year

I have always had a particular feeling for the elderly. When I was a child it happened to me but I didn't know why, I only knew that I loved to go to my grandparents and as I got older I developed a theory as I realized that I was the only one of my friends who shared so much time with my grandparents. When I was a teenager I went to lunch many times a week and I also went a lot to their house for get-togethers while we were in the back they would come and get something we threw on the grill for them and they would often stay for a while to have a drink and chat with my friends. Then they would leave and so on but that only happened with me.

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This was my lunch that first day in Puglia.

The truth is that when I grew up I discovered where I came from and why, is that I value and always value being surrounded by great people, like great people beyond those sayings that the great ones are the ones who know more, the truth is that I always had older friends. I always liked to be among older people and listen in silence and today older people are not valued for anything. As if the older people were bothered. This reminded me of Italy, where a few years ago I had the opportunity to go to a town called Puglia. When I arrived I was shocked by the beauty of that town, which happened with the following ones I got to know, but what really surprised me was that the town was as if it had remained in time. As if it had literally been suspended.

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It seems like everything is set up to make this place work well for the older people and it is a place where you are respected and cared for. A lot of everything there is in order for them to be able to move around independently and feel good. There are handrails on all the stairs, of which there are many.

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When I arrived at the square while I was walking I met this group of friends who met to chat and leave their houses for a while and you can clearly see that 2 of them are on bicycles and they were there like the guys in the square, I asked them if I could photograph them and they gave me their permission without any problem.

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Here I found a man going out for some shopping very well dressed to do his daily grocery shopping !

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This was the only group of young people I saw that day. The only real one

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This is the town at sunset that after all that walking up and down stairs I just felt like having a glass of wine, eating something and going to sleep. So I went to a resto that had been recommended to me very humble and small where my extremely well. If you never went to Italy you eat too well in every corner of this country no matter what you eat.

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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Yo tengo desde siempre un sentimiento particular por la gente de la tercera edad. Cuando era pequeño me pasaba pero no sabía bien porque, solo sabia que me encantaba ir de mis abuelos y más grande fui elaborando una teoría al mismo tiempo que me fui dando cuenta que era el único de mis amigos que compartían tanto tiempo con mis abuelos. En mi adolescencia iba a almorzar muchas veces por semana y también fui mucho para hacer reuniones en la casa de ellos mientras nosotros estábamos en el fondo ellos venían a buscar algo que les tirabamos en la parrilla para ellos y se quedaban muchas veces un rato para tomar algo y charlar un rato con mis amigos. Después se iban y tal pero eso solamente pasaba conmigo.

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Este fue mi almuerzo de ese primer dia en Puglia

Lo cierto es que ya más de grande descubrí de dónde venía y porque, es es que yo valoro y siempre valoro estar rodeado de gente grande, como que la gente grande más allá de esos dichos que los grandes son los que saben más, lo cierto , es que siempre tuve amigos mayores. Siempre me gustaba estar entre gente grande y escuchar en silencio y hoy a la gente mayor no se la valora por nada. Como si a los mayores molestase. Esto me hizo acordar a Italia que hace unos años tuve la oportunidad de ir y estuve en un pueblo que se llama Puglia. Cuando llegué quedé impactado por lo hermoso de ese pueblo, cosa que sucedió con los siguientes que fui conociendo, pero lo que realmente me sorprendió fue que el pueblo era como que había quedado en el tiempo. Como si se hubiera suspendido literalmente.

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Pareciera como que todo está preparado para que este lugar funcione bien para la gente más grande y es un lugar en donde se os respeta y se los cuida. Mucho de todo lo que hay es en pos de que ellos se puedan mover con independencia y se sientan bien. Hay barandas en todas las escaleras, que por cierto son muchas.

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Cuando llegue a la plaza mientras venia caminando me encontre con este grupo de amigos que se encontró para charlar y salir un rato de sus casas y se puede ver claramente que 2 de ellos están en bicicleta y estaban ahí como los chicos en la plaza, les pregunte si podia fotografiarlos y me dieron su permiso sin problemas.

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Aca encontre a un señor saliendo por unas compras muy bien vestido para hacer sus compras diarias

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Este fue el único grupo de personas jóvenes que vi ese día. El único real

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Este es el pueblo al atardecer que después de tanto subir y bajar escaleras solo tenía ganas de tomar una copa de vino, comer algo e irme a dormir. Así que fui a un resto que me habían recomendado muy humilde y pequeño donde mi extremadamente bien. Si nunca fueron a Italia se come demasiado bien en todos los rincones de este país no importa lo que comas.

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Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


First of all compliments for your photos are really super and give me really strong the impression of Puglia, my husband family is pugliese and i show him your photos, he laughed when you see you only meet few young people, he said in many villages mostly are elders,by the way I will share your post your photos really impress me , you have a new follower!❤️

I'm glad you liked my post hahaha thanks for your comment. later I will share more from Italy. It is one of my favorite countries so far!

Glad to hear this I will check you 😌