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RE: Custard Filled Cream Puff (Kue Soes)

in #food9 days ago

I love cream puffs! When they're filled with cream XD I like custard puffs too but a lot less. Hard to find anywhere that sells cream puffs anymore though (understandable, they don't keep very well x_x) and I'm too lazy to make x_x

I remember my mum making soft lovely delicious ones ages ago, was my most favourite thing ever but she also stopped making them ages ago as I think she said they were kinda fiddly and probably the ingredients were hard to get over there XD


They can be chilled and good for 5 days! Just microwave them for 20 seconds and they are good again. I do love them served chilled better tho 😅

Right?!?! Soft! Thats what i know as well. Could it be Asian style cream puffs that are soft? Left and right were surprised of my soft homemade cream puffs, here, in Canada. Thats not what they are used to, supposedly.

If you're using cream instead of custard filling microwaving doesn't work so well ^_^; and the ones I'm thinking of I'm pretty suree are whipped cream.

I never realised there were "Asian style" creampuffs and...not O_O having only had Mum's creeampuffs and there used to be a bakery at a nearby shopping centre that had them (I would buy them whenever I saw them but I haven't been past there for a while) that had similar style (soft and full of cream) it never occurred to me that was a different type.