Another Christmas is here.
As people struggle to start living "as usual" again amidst financial crises, pandemics, and wars, Christmas keeps coming back.
Whether we like or not, it is this time of the year again, that people realize that they don't really need as many things as they think to live a happy life with family and friends.
Why don't all religious leaders from all faiths in the world emphasize on those occasions and festivities that turn people into more peaceful beings?
- There are, and should be, enough resources on the planet for every human being to live a financially secure life. This will end financial crises and problems once and for all.
- There are, and should be, enough resources on the planet for every human being to live a healthy life. This will mark the end of pandemics and diseases, in general.
- There are, and should be, enough resources on the planet for every human being to live a peaceful life. In this way, wars and conflicts will become a thing of the past.
People face so many natural risks that they don't really need to fight with each other.
Nobody can beat time.
Death is inevitable.
Why do we have to take each other's life, when death will sooner or later do that job for us?
Peace to all of you.
Regarding my Christmas dinner, unfortunately, I haven't taken a photo of how it looked cooked.
The thing is that some people don't really like stuffing with dried fruits and nuts, but anyway, they didn't want to displease me, and they ate it all in the end!
To be honest with you, when I asked them beforehand, they told me that the only stuffing that they didn't like was cheese and ham.
What can you say...
You can't please everyone.
In the end, it's the Christmas mood that counts.
When it comes to cooking in the oven, using a ceramic pot can really make a difference, since it really helps the meat or whatever you cook to become tender and tasty, and literally melt in your mouth.
Actually, this ceramic pot was a present that my brother and sister-in-law made to my late mother, but she never cooked in it, because it was too heavy for her to lift.