Hello everyone! During our stay in Madrid, my husband and I did not miss the opportunity to visit the restaurant or American fast food chain Five Guys, dedicated to prepare hamburgers, hot dogs and fries, and it was very easy to get there, we just took the subway and got off at Callao station, once there we walked a little and we were already in this restaurant with an interesting story, because Jerry Murrell and his wife put their 5 children to choose between starting a business or go to college and reading this post you know what these guys chose.
Al entrar no dimos cuenta que el restaurante es bastante grande, incluso son dos pisos con mesas y sillas de madera y una decoración que me gustó bastante con azulejos blancos y rojos. Había bastante gente pero solo dos o tres personas en la cola para ordenar el pedido porque sí, aquí pides en la caja donde puedes personalizar tu pedido, por ejemplo, nosotros solo pagamos por dos cheeseburger, papas y refresco y luego le dijimos al chico que nos atendió (quien fue bastante amable) cuáles toppings queríamos agregar a nuestras hamburguesas los cuales son gratis y puedes elegir entre lechuga, tomate, cebolla, jalapeños, salsas, pepinillos, entre otros.
When we entered we did not notice that the restaurant is quite big, it even has two floors with wooden tables and chairs and a decoration that I quite liked with white and red tiles. There were quite a few people but only two or three people in line to order because yes, here you order at the cash register where you can customize your order, for example, we only paid for two cheeseburger, fries and soda and then we told the guy who served us (who was quite nice) which toppings we wanted to add to our burgers which are free and you can choose between lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapenos, sauces, pickles, among others.
Una vez ordenamos, yo fui arriba con Olivia a buscar una mesa para nosotros y mi esposo se quedó abajo esperando nuestro pedido por el cual pagamos 30,75 euros o 32 dólares aproximadamente, pero antes de subir me di cuenta que además la cocina es bastante grande, está ahí a la vista de todos y con varios empleados preparando los pedidos, también me di cuenta que las máquinas para servir los refrescos son bastantes modernas y muy lindas, ah y que habían cajas de manis en varias partes pero no sabía si esto era gratis aunque creo que si, de todas formas no nos provocaba en este momento, solo tenía curiosidad.
Once we ordered, I went upstairs with Olivia to find a table for us and my husband stayed downstairs waiting for our order for which we paid 30.75 euros or 32 dollars approximately, but before going upstairs I realized that besides the kitchen is quite large, it is there in full view of everyone and with several employees preparing the orders, I also realized that the machines to serve the refreshments are quite modern and very nice, oh and that there were boxes of peanuts in several parts but I did not know if this was free although I think so, anyway it did not provoke us at this time, I was just curious.
Olivia estaba feliz en el restaurante y no pasaron muchos minutos cuando mi esposo llegó con nuestro pedido, el cual se lo entregaron en una bolsa de cartón, allí venían las papas y las dos hamburguesas marcadas con números 1 y 2, es decir la número 1 fue la que yo ordené y la 2 era la de mi esposo con los toppings que él ordenó, el vaso de refresco nos lo dieron en la caja y este lo servimos nosotros en la máquina que teníamos cerca y podíamos recargar todo lo que quisiéramos.
Olivia was happy in the restaurant and not many minutes passed when my husband arrived with our order, which was delivered in a cardboard bag, there came the fries and the two hamburgers marked with numbers 1 and 2, that is number 1 was the one I ordered and number 2 was my husband's with the toppings he ordered, the glass of soda was given to us in the box and we served it in the machine that we had nearby and we could refill as much as we wanted.
Al probar nos dimos cuenta que de verdad estaban bastante buenas las hamburguesas y las papas también por lo que disfrutamos mucho nuestra comida y sin duda me encantaría volver a este restaurante, la carne tenía un sabor delicioso y estaba bien hecha, los vegetales estaban frescos y las papas calientes, por lo que si ves una sucursal de Five Guys te recomiendo que lo visites que estoy segura que te va a encantar tanto como a nosotros.
When we tasted it we realized that the burgers were really good and the fries too so we really enjoyed our meal and I would definitely love to come back to this restaurant, the meat tasted delicious and was well done, the vegetables were fresh and the fries were hot, so if you see a branch of Five Guys I recommend you to visit it, I am sure you will love it as much as we did.
Imagen de portada hecha por mí en Canva // Cover image made by me in Canva
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