Hello my dear #foodieslovers! Sorry for the abandonment (and believe me I have material), but due to time issues, I had not been able to stop by here; anyway, I greet you hoping you are very well and you can enjoy as if you had been there this delicious review that I bring you today.
Pregunta obligada ¿Han comido crepes?
Pues, levanten la mano los que no🙋😊.
Obligatory question Have you ever eaten crepes? Well, raise your hand if you haven't🙋😊. I thought that was the invention of Americans and their mania for eating sweets in the morning, but I was wrong; upon researching through SanGoogle, I learned that they were originally from France A taste of another continent! so regardless of their origin I thought “that's not for me”. The Distriator Dapps @spendhbd that allows us to make purchases in locals that accept our stable coin HBD, thanks to the work done from @zonahive (if you still don't know who we are, check the community😉) and the link made by @jonsnow1983 and the dear @valeriavalentina, in MARÍTIMOS CREPES we can enjoy their delicious food and pay with our money A WONDER!

Let's talk about the place Well, this really made me nostalgic, since I was telling the guys attending the event that this place used to be known as _predespacho_, that is, in my youth we used to leave the beach and finish the party there (the beach is just a few steps from there). Another use was, before going to the disco, we could make a stop there, spend a nice time and then move to the night spot of our preference. Today, it is an alliance between several locals who divided and at the same time joined forces. Maritimo Crepess is the best. I loved its Parisian style ambiance (because I told you about its French origin), small, comfortable, better not even talk about it, appreciate it for yourselves:

Let's talk about the service Spectacular too. Since we arrived, they were super nice to us, attentive and were uncertain about what we would talk about or what the meeting was about heh,heh, you could see it in their eyes 😆. The attention when we placed our orders, even though all the tables in the place were full, was fast and I loved the method because we had personalized orders and each of us were called by our names delivering what we ordered previously. Everything looked very nice and as good #hivers, we taught them while we enjoyed how to take the pictures or tell the stories😊:

Para ser mi primera vez, ¡PASÓ LA PRUEBA!
Let's talk about the taste For my first time, it PASSED THE TEST! The crepe is what we would call here “a pancake” but hard so that you can hold it and add the ingredients (forgive me connoisseurs if this is not the case). In my case, I ordered a mixed Mexican creppe that contained: guacamole, sour sauce, mozarrella cheese, cheddar cheese, beef and larded chicken😋. At the venue, they offer approximately 20 combinations of creppes so there are no excuses in preferring one and another; I also noticed that there are sweet and savory ones. The most requested were the ones containing shrimp so I was pending for the next time to eat one of them. A young man asked for the sweet one, but as it is not my forte, I preferred to pass even though it looked very tasty, I am not going to lie. Enjoy this delicacy at its best:

Nos leemos en otra oportunidad🌯.
It is a place that I recommend, I was left with the desire to try many more so I must work hard to give me my treats he,he,he,he... The photographs are my property. I made the cover in Canvas as well as the divider. The translator I used was Deepl. See you another time🌯.