My dear foodies lovers! We continue celebrating the birthday and this time I share with you the food with which I accompanied this special moment. So, if you are looking for ideas to surprise your guests and you are not sure what to do, here I leave you some small solutions to offer and be a topic of conversation of this special day. I use to buy this kind of things to avoid cooking or to take care of that day at the last minute. However, I had these recipes saved for a long time, so I took the opportunity to cheer up and prepare them for my guests. I warn you, it will look like a lot of ingredients or investment, but believe me, I made them in less than two hours; counting that it was my first time, that I had to look at the recipe several times, that I was taking pictures, answering the phone, I think it was very easy and quick to make. Besides, it was something different that I offered and here I tell you all about it.
The cake The protagonist of all birthday celebrations because it is the raison d'être of the gathering, it always creates expectations about how it will be? What will it taste like? In my case, I used to buy some cakes that I saw on instagram because I wanted to support entrepreneurship, reduce costs and recommend people. Sometimes they turned out well, sometimes not so well and people were always criticizing. A point against, was that I wanted it for an hour and ended up arriving two hours later, which made me anxious. This year, well I already had several references of these cakes from other birthdays, I decided to buy it at Aikoz; this is a supermarket that has a bakery and their cakes have become the favorite of many for their taste, freshness, price and variety. I like the chocolate cakes with chocolate. This store opens very early and although I was aware that I would not buy a cake the same day, I did not mind because believe me the flavor is not lost. Another important thing is that the saleswoman told me that it weighed one kilo and was enough for 12 people. My dear, that cake was enough for everyone (approximately 12), to take home and the next day I gave it to my boss🤣, so the size is deceiving. I'm not a sweet eater (or was), but I liked to try it 3 days later and it had not lost its flavor, texture or became hard 100% RECOMMENDED!
Cream of corn with yellow cheese Now, as for what to share, you know that it is always a dilemma because of the cost issue. In this case, as it was a gathering of very few people and for a short time, I didn't make some dinner food but some “pasapalos” as they are known here, which are meals to share. This cream I took it from my friend Instagram, which seemed easy because I already had some ingredients and the others were not very expensive. Besides, I needed quantity so that people could be satisfied with what was offered. The sauce is very delicious, even though I was incredulous that it would taste good with mayonnaise. The ingredients were: mayonnaise, chives, cilantro, grated yellow cheese, lime juice and a can of corn. All this comes together and this is the spectacle:

Acá les dejo el enlace de la publicación:
Crema de maíz y queso amarillo
I would add a few touches of bacon or the “greens” sautéed in butter for a touch of frying, but I don't know if the mayonnaise would be good with it. It's all a matter of taste.
Sardine balls This recipe was sent to me by my friend @nulemus because I have a gathering of sardine cans, and I didn't know what to do with them🤣. I had made them in another opportunity with corn flour and they had been very good, but believing in the reels of Instagram, I dared to make them. Tip: don't follow everything that comes out there. They stuck to me, they fell apart. Although as a fact I tell you that, despite the fateful presentation, they ate them all! because the stew was certainly very good. If I have any criticism, it is that they are better with corn flour than with wheat flour; if you have other tips to make them better, I thank you, because I still have about 6 cans left😎:

Aca les comparto la receta:
I want to tell you that there were originally 3 recipes but the last one failed me because I miscounted the ingredients so I owe them to you for a new opportunity😉. All this was accompanied with some cheesecakes, some soft drinks and the respective cold ones🍻. Everything was enough and left over so they repeated many times to be satisfied. Likewise, they praised all the preparations, including the cake.
La portada la edité en Canvas al igual que el separador.
DeepL fue el traductor que usé.
Hasta un próximo encuentro en nuestras cocinas👩🍳.
The photographs are part of my digital album. The cover was edited in Canvas as well as the separator. DeepL was the translator I used. See you next time on our cocinas👩🍳.