Hello! Hello! My #foodieslovers How are those parties going, and the extra pounds? 😊 Well, as the pleasure of eating is one of the most divine, those excesses are forgiven during these holidays😎. Christmas food in Venezuela is very tasty, so much so that in many countries where we have emigrated, people try it and are delighted with its presentations. These meals include: hallaca (traditional dish), pernil (in many presentations), ham bread, chicken salad and if you ask friends from Zulia (region in the west of my country), they even put a pasticho😆 on the table. This food takes an extra preparation and there is a saying “the best hallaca is made by my mom”, because certainly not everyone knows how to make this dish.
Delicioso espagueti con albóndigas en salsa OSOLE
It may all sound very nice and very desired by many and you can notice it in the publications of our friends these days, but, when the days go by, repeating the dish over and over again, not only for dinner, but at any time of the day bores me in INDUSTRIAL AMOUNTS! So, while everyone is looking for the best recipes for Christmas dishes, I'm in charge of making dishes that go far beyond Christmas and that we can enjoy just the same. That's why today I bring you this one: Delicious spaghetti with meatballs in OSOLE sauce. Before you stop reading, what is OSOLE sauce? They are a series of packaged sauces with different flavors that you just add to your food and you have a different meal. I love them and they are easily available in any grocery store in the country.
Our ingredients for 4 servings are:
🍝 Ground beef. I used about 250 g.
🍝To season the meat I used:
- Mustard.
- 1 egg.
- Grated bread crumbs.
- Onion.
- Garlic.
- Parsley.
- Salt.
- Pepper.
- Oregano.
- Bay leaf.
- 1 packet of OSOLE fine herbs sauce.
🍝 Spaghetti.
🍝 Butter.
🍝 Mozzarella cheese.
Nuestros ingredientes para 4 porciones son:
🍝 Carne molida. Yo usé unos 250 g.
🍝 Para sazonar la carne usé:
- Mostaza.
- 1 huevo.
- Ralladura de pan.
- Cebolla.
- Ajo.
- Perejil.
- Sal.
- Pimienta.
- Orégano.
- Laurel.
- 1 paquete de salsa de finas hierbas OSOLE.
🍝 Espagueti.
🍝 Mantequilla.
🍝 Queso mozzarella.
¿Cómo hacerlas?
If I have a fine herb sauce what do I use more for? Because it is never enough🤣. The fact is that as a base they are fine, but we can put our own flavor to them. How to make them? The first thing is to season the meat with the onion, garlic, parsley, breadcrumbs, egg, mustard, oregano, salt and pepper. When we mix well, we make small balls; when I say small, I mean small, big balls will not make the presentation look good. Make them small like a pasapalo. They must be compact, that is why the bread crumbs are in quantities that allow to reach that hardness so that they do not fall apart. We take them to the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that it compacts.

Once the time has passed, fry the balls in a large frying pan with a little oil or butter. They should make a golden layer (without burning), so we must move them constantly so that they are not raw.
Then, we remove it and in the same pan, we fry the remaining half onion with parsley and we can add another little bit of butter. That smell is divine 🌬.
Add the sauce, stir and carefully place the balls one by one. Remember to be careful, because they must remain intact for the presentation.
We are just finishing! In the next step we put the spaghetti already ready (if I didn't tell you before, now I tell you that you must have the pasta ready😜), stir and join everything that is in the pan.

Finally, add more finely chopped parsley to give the green color to so much red and grate Parmesan cheese, lots of cheese! so that it melts well with the heat of the sauce and the spaghetti.

We lower it and serve YUMMY!
La portada la edité en Canvas, al igual que el separador y el banner.
El traductor que usé fue DeepL.
Me cuentan como les fue por favor o si siguen con los platillos tradicionales de Navidad 😊.
All photographs are my property during the elaboration process 👩🍳. The cover was edited in Canvas, as well as the separator and the banner. The translator I used was DeepL. Let me know how it went please or if you continue with the traditional Christmas dishes 😊.