Steamed vegetables

in Hive Food7 months ago

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🦋🌼Hola amigos de Hive 🦋🌼

No me van a creer que a pesar de que me gusta improvisar en la cocina y en ocasiones realizar platillos diferentes nunca había realizado vegetales al vapor y debido a que debo realizar dieta por mi salud este mes he comido un poco mal quizás por la falta de tiempo no he puesto a crear mis menús saludables bajos en carbohidratos.

Este mes he comido mucho pan, harinas, arroz y pastas. Algo que no debería comer, a pesar de que realizar recetas saludables es fácil si hay que pensar bien como compensar bien los alimentos para que sea realmente nutritivo y no me ocasione alguna falta de nutrientes.

A pesar de realizar mi dieta aunque sea una vez a la semana como pastas o arroz, incluso alguna comida chatarra en el mes. Pero esto muy moderado.

They won't believe me that even though I like to improvise in the kitchen and sometimes make different dishes I have never made steamed vegetables and because I have to diet for my health this month I have eaten a little badly maybe due to the lack of time I have not started to create my healthy low-carb menus.
This month I ate a lot of bread, flour, rice and pasta. Something that I should not eat, despite the fact that making healthy recipes is easy if you have to think carefully about how to compensate well the food so that it is really nutritious and does not cause me any lack of nutrients.
Despite doing my diet even once a week, I eat pasta or rice, even some junk food in the month. But this is very moderate.




Desde hace días se me antojó unos vegetales al vapor, entre una cosa y otra debía ir a comprar esos vegetales ya que solo tenía papa. También debía pensar como sazonar ya que por sí solo no creo que me gustara mucho.

Lo primero que hice fue ver algunas fotos sobre el platillo que quería realizar para saber exactamente que debía comprar. Entre ellos sería vainitas, coliflor, brócoli.

Ya que tengo un primo que es chef profesional le pregunté cómo podría sazonar mis vegetales 🥒 para que queden mejor. Me comentó lo más simple pulverizar sal y pimienta pero luego me dijo que hiciera una vinagreta, esta idea me gustó más ya que el sabor ácido me gusta mucho.

Para la vinagreta me faltaba el orégano asi que lo añadí a mi lista. Salí y compré mis ingredientes.

For days I had been craving some steamed vegetables, between one thing and another I had to go buy those vegetables since I only had potatoes. I also had to think about how to season since I don't think I liked it very much on my own.
The first thing I did was look at some photos about the dish I wanted to make to know exactly what I had to buy. Among them would be pods, cauliflower, broccoli.
Since I have a cousin who is a professional chef, I asked him how he could season my vegetables 🥒 so that they look better. He told me the simplest thing to spray salt and pepper but then he told me to make a vinaigrette, I liked this idea better since I like the acidic flavor a lot.
For the vinaigrette I was missing the oregano so I added it to my list. I went out and bought my ingredients.



For the vinaigrette I slied oil, lemon, salt, pepper, oregano and soy. I liked its acidic flavor, I had to correct the point of salt and pepper since I added very little.

For days I had been craving some steamed vegetables, between one thing and another I had to go buy those vegetables since I only had potatoes. I also had to think about how to season since I don't think I liked it very much on my own.

The first thing I did was look at some photos about the dish I wanted to make to know exactly what I had to buy. Among them would be pods, cauliflower, broccoli.

Since I have a cousin who is a professional chef, I asked him how he could season my vegetables 🥒 so that they look better. He told me the simplest thing to spray salt and pepper but then he told me to make a vinaigrette, I liked this idea better since I like the acidic flavor a lot.

For the vinaigrette I was missing the oregano so I added it to my list. I went out and bought my ingredients.


Acompañe con unos cubos de pollo salteado con especies, prepare todo esto y tenía muy buena pinta. Deje que el pollo dorara un poco y emplate.

Todo esto se veía muy rico, fue fácil y rápido. Estos vegetales que preparé me alcanzaron para 3 porciones las cuales envase y refrigere para un próximo almuerzo.

Me gusta la cocina, me gusta experimentar y preparar platillos saludables y ricos. Estar a dieta no significa comer aburrido ya que esto tiene mucho sabor, la vinagreta quedó estupenda y lo acompañé con una infusión de jamaica y limón fría.

Accompany with some chicken cubes sautéed with spices, prepare all this and it looked very good. Let the chicken brown a little and plate.
All this looked very delicious, it was easy and fast. These vegetables that I prepared reached me for 3 servings which I packed and refrigerated for a next lunch.
I like cooking, I like to experiment and prepare healthy and delicious dishes. Being on a diet does not mean eating bored since this has a lot of flavor, the vinaigrette was great and I accompanied it with an infusion of jamaica and cold lemon.


Verdaderamente estos vegetales fueron muy rápidos en realizar, solo se necesita organización para realizar platillos saludables y con buen sabor y es justo lo que necesito ahora rápido y fácil pero con buen sabor.

Tiendo a aburrirme rápido de las comidas repetidas, por eso debo buscar recetas que sean varias con los mismos ingredientes. Cuando comencé a cambié mi dieta comía casi que puro plátano pero ya comenzó a repunar así que debo buscar y estudiar variación con los alimentos.

Truly these vegetables were very quick to make, you only need organization to make healthy dishes with good taste and it is just what I need now fast and easy but with good flavor.
I tend to get bored quickly of repeated meals, that's why I have to look for several recipes with the same ingredients. When I started changing my diet I ate almost pure banana but it already started to rebound so I must look for and study variation with food.


  • Traductor DeepL
  • Contenido de mi Autoria.
  • Fotografía tomadas con mi iPhone 12 pro
    -Medios de edición: Canva

También debo incluir más verduras en mi dieta, la receta que hiciste se ve muy buena, valdría la pena intentarla. Saludos.

Es sabroso y se puede preparar muy rápido que es lo mejor! 💕