Hay algo que debo de reconocer y es lo "Celosa" que soy con mis lugares de comida favoritos, cuando me enamoro de la comida de un lugar, ahi me quedo siempre, tengo mi lugar favorito para comprar salchipapas, mi lugar favorito para comprar perro caliente y hamburguesa, pero me faltaba mi lugar favorito para comer un pollo que me dejara chupandome los dedos y con ganas de probar el resto de las cosas de su menu y ¡al fin, lo encontre!
Fast Food "La sombrita a la brasa"
Mientras revisaba los grupos de donde vivo, me encuentro con la publicidad de un negocio el cual nunca habia visto aca, les escribo para ver la carta y pues, con mi pareja decidimos pedirles un pollo, ya que, cuando lei "a la brasa" me emocione demasiado, porque justo lo comi demasiado en mi infancia y aca nadie lo vende asi (o lo vendia, porque ya ellos lo hacen jejeje)
Pedimos un pollo entero que tuvo un costo de 31.000COP mas el domicilio que tuvo un costo de 1.500COP dando un total de 32.500COP (8 dolares).
La primera impresion fue espectacular, desde la atencion del domiciliario la cual fue muy cordial, hasta el envoltorio que usaron para empacar nuestro pedido, ¿Por que resalto el empaque? porque realmente es el unico lugar de aca que hemos visto que usan esa presentacion y me parecio estupendo, llego la hora de revisar lo que habia dentro del empaque, cabe acotar que antes de abrirlo ya se sentia un delicioso olor, al abrirlo se podia observar lo organizado que estaba todo, los guantes para quienes no les gusta untarse las manos y algo que me encanto, fue que la ensalada la pusieron por aparte, se veia super fresca, muchas veces meten la ensalada junto al pollo y tiende medio a sancocharse por el calor, asi que, ya por ahi 10/10 sacamos las bandejas y definitivamente el olor era atrapador, venia acompañado con unos bollitos, los cuales estaban rellenos de queso, un super plus, porque mayormente ofrecen el bollo sencillo, que tambien es delicioso, pero no les voy a negar que los rellenos estaban espectacular, tambien nos enviaron una salsa y 4 caramelos, un buen gesto, la verdad.
Cuando probamos el pollo dije "Sin duda el mejor pollo que hemos probado aca, ya, con este nos casamos jajaja" es mi forma de decir, "Supero mis expectativas" el sabor que tenia el pollo era de un autentico pollo a la brasa, el doradito, lo jugoso, todo absolutamente todo dio entrada a que se convirtiera en nuestro favorito de ahora en adelante.
A veces soy medio miedosa para pedir en lugares nuevos, debido a que no se con que me vaya a conseguir, pero con este pedido confirme que a veces si vale la pena arriesgarse un poco, porque puedes encontrar lugares como este, que te transportan a todo lo bueno de los domingos de asado en familia 💖 Les mando un fuerte abrazo y que tengan excelente fin de semana ✨
There is something I must admit and that is how "jealous" I am with my favorite food places. When I fall in love with the food of a place, I always stay there. I have my favorite place to buy salchipapas, my favorite place to buy hot dogs and hamburgers, but I was missing my favorite place to eat chicken that would leave me licking my fingers and wanting to try the rest of the things on their menu and finally, I found it!
Fast Food "La sombrita a la brasa"
While I was looking through the groups where I live, I found the advertisement for a business that I had never seen here. I wrote to see the menu and well, my partner and I decided to order a chicken, since when I read "a la brasa" I got really excited, because I ate it too much in my childhood and here nobody sells it like that (or sold it, because they already do it hehehe)
We ordered a whole chicken that cost 31,000COP plus the delivery that cost 1,500COP for a total of 32,500COP (8 dollars).
The first impression was spectacular, from the service of the delivery person which was very friendly, to the wrapping they used to pack our order. Why do I highlight the packaging? because it really is the only place here that we have seen that uses that presentation and it seemed great to me, the time came to check what was inside the package, it should be noted that before opening it you could already smell a delicious smell, when you opened it you could see how organized everything was, the gloves for those who do not like to get their hands dirty and something that I loved was that they put the salad separately, it looked super fresh, many times they put the salad with the chicken and it tends to half boil over from the heat, so, around there 10/10 we took out the trays and definitely the smell was captivating, it came with some buns, which were filled with cheese, a super plus, because they mostly offer the simple bun, which is also delicious, but I will not deny that the fillings were spectacular, they also sent us a sauce and 4 candies, a nice gesture, really.
When we tried the chicken I said "Without a doubt the best chicken we've ever tried here, now, we're getting married with this one hahaha" is my way of saying, "It exceeded my expectations" the flavor of the chicken was that of an authentic grilled chicken, the golden color, the juiciness, absolutely everything made it our favorite from now on.
Sometimes I'm a little scared to order in new places, because I don't know what I'm going to get, but with this order I confirmed that sometimes it is worth taking a little risk, because you can find places like this one, that transport you to all the good things about family barbecue Sundays 💖 I send you a big hug and have a great weekend
For the best experience view this post on Liketu