La receta que les traigo hoy es Lomitos de Valladolid, es muy sencilla y con muy pocos ingredientes y esta muy rico, se puede acompañar con arroz blanco y unos ricos plátanos fritos.
- 3/4 de kg de Lomo de cerdo (yo prefiero la pierna ya que tiene un poco de grasa, y le da mas sabor).
- 5 jitomates en mitades
- 1/2 cebolla en rebanadas
- 1 chile habanero
- 1 taza de agua
- 1 diente de ajo
- 3 Hojas de laurel
- Hojas de orégano al gusto
- Sal y pimienta al gusto
Iniciemos cortando la carne en pedazos regulares, se ponen en una cacerola con un poco de aceite y se sella, posteriormente se agregan todos los demás ingredientes y de tapa la cacerola para dejar cocer, en caso de que se evapore el agua se puede agregar un poco más, se prueba y para verificar el toque de sal, la carne debe quedar suave y el jitomate debe deshacerse haciendo una salsa.
Hello again to this great Hive Food community, it has been a while since I last wrote for you, this time I bring you a recipe that I learned in high school with technical career, at that age I only knew how to prepare eggs, but the school was teaching us the preparation of some Yucatecan dishes since the specialty I handled is the administration of tourism companies.
The recipe I bring you today is Lomitos de Valladolid, it is very simple and with very few ingredients and it is very tasty, it can be accompanied with white rice and some rich fried plantains.
3/4 kg of pork loin (I prefer the leg as it has a little fat, and gives it more flavor).
5 tomato halves
1/2 onion sliced
1 habanero chile
1 cup of water
1 clove of garlic
3 bay leaves
Oregano leaves to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Let's start by cutting the meat in regular pieces, put them in a pan with a little oil and seal, then add all the other ingredients and cover the pan to let it cook, in case the water evaporates you can add a little more, try it and to verify the touch of salt, the meat should be soft and the tomato should melt making a sauce.

Espero les haya gustado la receta, es bastante sencilla y muy rica, el chile habanero es un ingrediente muy yucateco que le da mucho sabor. Hasta la próxima.
I hope you liked the recipe, it is quite simple and very tasty, the habanero chile is a very Yucatecan ingredient that gives it a lot of flavor. See you next time

Portada realizada en canva con imagenes propias utilizadas, tomada con un smartphone Moto G60s, traducido con DeepL translate.
Cover made in canva with own images used, taken with a smartphone Moto G60s, translated with DeepL translate.