Hive Food - Amasamos Scones de limón [ESP-ENG] We knead lemon scones

in Hive Food11 months ago


Tengan todos un buen día, amigos de Hive Food ! Están siendo días especiales para prender el horno en mi ciudad, increíble como el otoño se instala y trae días grises y fresquitos. Los pensamientos panaderos y dulces que se apoderan de mi, y las ganas locas de hacer scones, que recuerdo hace años, una tía me dió la receta y tenía reales ganas de hacerlos. ¡Espero que les guste la receta!

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Have a nice day everyone, friends of Hive Food ! These are special days to turn on the oven in my city, amazing how autumn settles in and brings cool gray days. The baking and sweet thoughts that take over me, and the crazy desire to make scones, I remember years ago, an aunt gave me the recipe and I really wanted to make them, I hope you like the recipe!


Siempre comienzo separando los ingredientes, los peso y comienzo con el orden establecido, asique aquí les dejo la lista de ingredientes :

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I always start by separating the ingredients, weigh them and start with the established order, so here is the list of ingredients:

500g harina500g flour
200 g manteca200g butter
2 huevos2 eggs
140 g azúcar140 g sugar
¼ taza de leche¼ cup milk
Ralladura de limónLemon zest
Polvo para hornearBaking powder



Comenzaremos la preparación con la manteca cortada en pedacitos pero bien bien fría. Haremos un arenado directamente con las manos, pero mucho cuidado de no hacer más que desmenuzar la manteca, no amasar (igual no lo lograremos, es pura harina aún)

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

We will begin the preparation with the butter cut into small pieces but very cold. We will sandblast it directly with our hands, but be very careful not to do more than crumble the butter, not knead it (we will not be able to do it anyway, it is still pure flour).



Luego incorporamos los huevos, la esencia de vainilla y la ralladura de limón. En este momento ya procedo a encender el horno y dejarlo bajito para que vaya subiendo. Agrego la leche y esta última mezcla no debe ser más que para unir, la masa debe quedar un poco arenosa, o rústica digamos. Yo la dejé reposar en la heladera, limpié la mesada y busqué los utensilios para la siguiente parte, usaré el palote, el cortador, y una espátula para levantar los scones.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Then add the eggs, the vanilla essence and the lemon zest. At this point I turn on the oven and leave it on low so it can rise. I add the milk and this last mixture should not be more than to unite, the dough should be a little sandy, or rustic let's say. I let it rest in the refrigerator, cleaned the counter and looked for the utensils for the next part, I will use the stick, the cutter, and a spatula to lift the scones.



Ahora viene la parte divertida, la realidad es que tu puedes cortar con un vaso o a mano, o con la forma y alto que gustes, yo usé este cortador que es tamaño galletita, tamaño bocado, para que no sean tan harinosos luego y que ahoguen a los comensales.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Now comes the fun part, the reality is that you can cut with a glass or by hand, or with the shape and height you like, I used this cutter that is cookie size, bite size, so they are not so floury later and choke the diners.


Pasé un rato divertido, la masa es bastante mantecosa asique recomiendo no tocarla mucho, yo directamente fui posicionando los sconcitos en la bandeja y cortando más colocándolos en un plato para la siguiente tanda.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I had a fun time, the dough is quite buttery so I recommend not to touch it too much, I was directly positioning the scones on the tray and cutting more placing them on a plate for the next batch.


Aproveché este momento para sacar fotos, por ejemplo con la masa cortada, este trozo yo lo vuelvo a amasar y hacer más sconcitos. También pude aprovechar para hacer algunos más grandes y colocarlos en una bandeja más pequeña, por si la cocción lleva otro tiempo.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I took advantage of this moment to take pictures, for example with the cut dough, this piece I knead again and make more scones. I could also take the opportunity to make some larger ones and place them in a smaller tray, in case the baking takes another time.


Finalmente salieron más de 60 unidades, un espectáculo. Si fuesen todos más grandes serían menos, pero igualmente. Como es una masa bastante seca, lo ideal es sacarlos cuando ya están doraditos sin dejar que se cocinen más. Yo el horno lo usé a 180º y en 12 minutos estaban listos y dorados.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

In the end there were more than 60 units, a spectacle. If they were all bigger they would be less, but still. As it is a fairly dry dough, the ideal is to take them out when they are already golden brown without letting them cook more. I used the oven at 180º and in 12 minutes they were ready and golden brown.


Fueron disfrutados por toda la familia, ya que los limones que uso, aún son los que hay en casa de mi abuelo, que sigue presente en cada receta que tiene que ver con la familia. A ver, que los limones solo son limones, pero para mi, estas recetas que aprendí de pequeña, tienen tanto sentido familiar, que me baila el corazón cuando la receta sale rica y para compartir.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

They were enjoyed by the whole family, since the lemons I use are still the ones from my grandfather's house, who is still present in every recipe that has to do with the family. Let's see, lemons are just lemons, but for me, these recipes that I learned as a child, have so much family meaning, that my heart dances when the recipe comes out delicious and to share.



¡Les mando un beso enorme! ¡Gracias por acompañarme en otra receta!

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I send you a big kiss! Thank you for joining me in another recipe!

Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨

Gracias por leerme, Kiki ✨

barra little sorceress gif.gif

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post

Soy la propietaria de todas las fotos que he usado hoy

Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 & Nikon D3200📷

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Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877

Imágenes editadas con Canva


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Scones that are delicious, now that I see it I remember that my wife hasn't made elebora in a long time, I think I'll remember her, now that the days are cool
I look at the step by step of your preparation and in the process my mouth is watering, as we say here, I even perceive a subtle aroma of lemon
It looked great on you, now enjoy it dear friend @littlesorceress

Thanks friend @jlufer, ask your wife to prepare some! They are an ideal snack recipe, although I am a Sunday person, but they go well for every day!

I'm glad you liked it. I send you a big hug!

I love scones so much 😻😻😻 I especially love them with a mug of tea, I like you made lemon scones I think it's a good taste perfect both with tea or milk.

Thank you !! 😊

Oh sure, when winter arrives I will make them to go with coffee or tea. For now I accompany them with mate, it's a classic around here. Thank you very much for your message, very encouraging! I send you a hug!