(Dessert) Mango Delight Recipe 😋

in Hive Food8 months ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum my friends ☺️
Hope you are doing well 🤗
Today's my sister fisrt time made the dessert and it's name is mango delight 🥭😋
it's very tasty and delicious...
and it's so simple recipe 😊
Hope you're try this recipe ✨
so I sharing this recipe with you🤗


Ingredients for Dessert

  • Cake
  • Mango2
  • Condensed Milk (comelle)
  • Whipping Cream
  • Olper's Milk

Now, let's start the recipe

Cut the Cake in square shape

And mango cubes 1 cup

1Cup Whipping cream

Beat until stiff peeks form and divided into Two portions
because mango puree add in one portion of cream
and the second portion of cream use in topping cake😊

Add Mango puree and Condensed milk

Then Beat It.....

Let's Now! Start the Topping 😋🤗

Cut the cake put in bowl. Then Milk 1/2 cup and condensed milk 2 Tbsp,.Mix it....
And add in cake with help of spoon.

Then Add Mango Cream Mixture

Then Add Mango chunks 1 Cup

Remaining Half Whipped Cream (2nd portion of cream) spread it...

At the end of the dessert, slices of cake on top for garnishments. Then, Keep it in the freezer for half an hour, it will not melt your cream and it will be delicious to eat cold.😋🎉

After Half an hour look.🤩




Esto se ve riquísimo, recientemente preparé un biscochuelo de mango, pero esto está a otro nivel. Qué rico 🤤🤤