in Family & Friends11 months ago (edited)

Life is full of lessons learnt at definte times/seasons for immediate or future use. The vital lessons of life are best learnt during the childhood phase of life, the more reason parents should be committed and deliberate about such trainings to their children. Early in life as a young boy, i have been introduced to doing house chores and most importantly, cooking. I was raised in a family where there are no gender bias as regards some trainings.

La vida está llena de lecciones aprendidas en momentos/estaciones definidas para uso inmediato o futuro. Las lecciones vitales de la vida se aprenden mejor durante la etapa infantil de la vida, razón de más para que los padres se comprometan y deliberan sobre dicha capacitación para sus hijos. Desde pequeño, cuando era niño, me enseñaron a hacer las tareas del hogar y, lo más importante, a cocinar. Crecí en una familia donde no hay prejuicios de género en algunas formaciones.

Cooking was seen as skill which anyone can know and hence, all of we children are taught how to cook. I been the last born of the family and even as a male child, i wasn't spared at all. Despite the believe that it is a female thing to cook, it was a different view by that of my parents who believe everyone can and should be able to cook including males. They believed that cooking done personally:
• saves cost
• helps proper nutrition/diet
• prevents from unhygienic/contaminated food consumption
• helps for a family life in the nearest future etc.

Cocinar se consideraba una habilidad que cualquiera podía aprender y, por lo tanto, a todos los niños se nos enseña a cocinar. Fui el último nacido de la familia e incluso siendo hijo varón, no me salvó en absoluto. A pesar de la creencia de que cocinar es cosa de mujeres, la opinión de mis padres era diferente, quienes creen que todos pueden y deben poder cocinar, incluidos los hombres. Creían que cocinar hecho personalmente:
• ahorra costos
• ayuda a una nutrición/dieta adecuada
• previene el consumo de alimentos antihigiénicos o contaminados
• ayudas para una vida familiar en el futuro próximo, etc.


Gradually, with each cooking experience, it gets better over time. Though i stayed with my parents uptil i left for the University, my mummy and sister does most of the major cookings, but despite that, i was still involved in the cooking process. Thereafter, the time came that i left home for the University where i need to be cooking steadily on my own and this was easy for me to achieve as i have learnt the nitty-gritty of cooking right early as a young boy.

Gradualmente, con cada experiencia culinaria, mejora con el tiempo. Aunque me quedé con mis padres hasta que me fui a la Universidad, mi mamá y mi hermana hacen la mayoría de las comidas principales, pero a pesar de eso, yo todavía estaba involucrada en el proceso de cocina. Después, llegó el momento en que dejé mi casa para ir a la Universidad, donde necesitaba cocinar por mi cuenta de manera constante y esto fue fácil para mí lograrlo, ya que aprendí el meollo de la cuestión de la cocina desde que era un niño.

The cooking skill i learnt right from home as a young boy is now much useful for me as an adult who was then a university undergraduate. This skillfulness attracted alot of friends to me especially my roommates then in the University. Later on, i graduated from the University and observed a mandatory one year national service for university graduates in my country in a new place i haven't been to before which is the far north of my country as I'm from the west. I still cooked there aswell by myself for that one year.

La habilidad culinaria que aprendí en casa cuando era niño ahora me resulta muy útil como adulto y en ese entonces estudiante universitario. Esta habilidad me atrajo a muchos amigos, especialmente a mis compañeros de cuarto en la Universidad. Más tarde, me gradué de la Universidad y observé un servicio nacional obligatorio de un año para graduados universitarios en mi país en un lugar nuevo en el que no había estado antes, que es el extremo norte de mi país, ya que soy del oeste. Todavía cociné allí solo durante ese año.


To cap it all, now as a married man, I'm grateful to my parents for this upbringing as it is now much easy for me to cook and be of valuable help to my wife in the kitchen. There are times for one reason or the other i may need to cook for example, if she travelled, or needed to rest for some reasons, i gladly do so, thanks to what i learnt right early in life which is now useful to me.

Para colmo, ahora como hombre casado, estoy agradecido a mis padres por esta educación, ya que ahora me resulta mucho más fácil cocinar y ser de gran ayuda para mi esposa en la cocina. Hay ocasiones por una razón u otra en la que necesito cocinar, por ejemplo, si ella viajó o necesitaba descansar por alguna razón, lo hago con gusto, gracias a lo que aprendí desde pequeño y que ahora me resulta útil.

I believe in the saying that "No knowledge is lost" because that idea, knowledge thay seems irrelevant then maybe the key to a breakthrough tomorrow. For me, it was cooking while for someone else it's another thing entirely. Therefore, it's good to embrace knowledge while we can because it will be needed sooner or later.

Creo en el dicho de que "Ningún conocimiento se pierde" porque esa idea, el conocimiento que parece irrelevante, entonces tal vez sea la clave para un gran avance mañana. Para mí era cocinar, mientras que para otros es otra cosa. Por lo tanto, es bueno aprovechar el conocimiento mientras podamos, porque tarde o temprano será necesario.

This is my participation post in #Aprilinleo monthly prompt for day 16 by the #inleo. Check out this announcement post to get involved.

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Indeed, no knowledge is a waste, you used cooking skills very well. In every phase of your life, it helped you. From university, to service and now your marriage. I am grateful to your parents for teaching those skills. Most last Borns I know are pampered and do not lift a finger, so should I say you were the lucky one?

Very true
I'm grateful for my parents and for raising me that way.
This knowledge has helped me so far in life.

I really appreciates your valuable and awesome comments, thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Cooking is a skill that you'll keep using for the rest of your life. It is such a crucial skill because the advantages are numerous.

Apt 💯
Well spoken
It's a lifetime skill with many advantage
Thanks for reading and commenting

I admire guys who can cook cause I kept imagining how the guy would look in the kitchen pounding things, it's cool you learned how to cook at that early stage of your life, my elder brothers never learned, currently they find it difficult to cook.

😂 Stop the imagination, we look good in Kitchen
I'm grateful I learnt it
It's still possible to know it if the willingness is there.
Thanks for stopping bye

Okay since you've said it I'm gonna stop the imagination😁


Cooking is an incredible skill, and it's helping me with my journey in university. It's nice to see more men out and embrace cooking. It is a skill that everyone needs to learn no matter genders.

Apt 💯
Well spoken ✅
Thanks for reading and commenting

You are welcome mate.