Muchas veces los planes no se dan como los pensamos, pero de manera sorpresiva, terminan siendo mejores que el plan original y justo eso pasó el día de ayer, pues salimos de casa con la intención de ir al cine con mi amiga Celina, y su hijo Gabriel para celebrar el día del niño, pero estando ya en el Sambil, comencé a sentirme un poco incómoda por la cantidad de personas que esperaban para entrar al cine y decidí no entrar, así que José y yo nos quedamos afuera, mientras Celina y los niños entraron a ver la película.
Teníamos dos horas aproximadamente solo para nosotros, para caminar un poco, ver tiendas, conversar, y aunque no era hora de almorzar ni de cenar, definitivamente comeríamos algo, porque no sé si les pasa lo mismo, pero apenas llego al centro comercial me da hambre. Así que tocaba.
La cosa es que ya teníamos los refrescos de los combos que serían para ver la película, y le dije a José que había que buscar algo para acompañarlos, así que caminamos hacia la feria de la comida, que por cierto, ahora está totalmente hermosa, y comenzamos a buscar una opción.
En principio comenzamos a buscar algo dulce, pero luego vimos una promoción en un lugar de comida rápida en el que nunca habíamos comido y decidimos pasar a probar.
La promoción consistía en una hamburguesa sencilla con queso americano, salsas y pepinillos por 1,99 $ lo que nos pareció genial, aunque pensamos que seguramente serían pequeñas, pero como la verdad no teníamos hambre, pues esta "merienda" nos vendría súper bien.
José hizo el pedido y cuando subimos para esperar por las hamburguesas me preocupé un poco al ver el lugar prácticamente solo, porque pensé que seguramente la comida no era buena, ya que la feria estaba full, y ese lugar vacío, pero no podía estar más equivocada.
A los pocos minutos de sentarnos sonó el aparatito que nos dieron para esperar nuestra comida, indicando que las hamburguesas estaban listas, y si bien es cierto que no eran enormes, les puedo decir que su sabor era realmente increíble, y tenían una buena cantidad de pepinillos, cosa que agradecí muchísimo porque me encantan. Así que nos dispusimos a disfrutar de nuestras hamburguesas y de nuestra cita improvisada en un lugar solo para nosotros y comiendo comidita rica.
La verdad fue un momento bastante genial, pues no solemos salir a comer solos, y aunque no era el plan para la tarde, resultó mucho mejor, y definitivamente vamos a comenzar a tener más seguido estos momentos de compartir solo nosotros sin los niños, porque sin duda que nos hace falta.

Many times plans do not work out as we thought, but surprisingly, they end up being better than the original plan and just that happened yesterday, because we left home with the intention of going to the movies with my friend Celina, and her son Gabriel to celebrate children's day, but being already in the Sambil, I began to feel a little uncomfortable by the number of people waiting to enter the cinema and decided not to enter, so Jose and I stayed outside, while Celina and the kids went in to see the movie.
We had about two hours just for us, to walk around a bit, look at stores, talk, and even though it wasn't lunch or dinner time, we would definitely eat something, because I don't know if it's the same for you, but as soon as I get to the mall I get hungry. So it was time.
The thing is that we already had the soft drinks of the combos that would be to see the movie, and I told Jose that we had to look for something to go with them, so we walked to the food fair, which by the way, is now totally beautiful, and we started looking for an option.
At first we started out looking for something sweet, but then we saw a promotion at a fast food place we had never eaten at before and decided to stop by and give it a try.
The promotion consisted of a plain burger with American cheese, sauces and pickles for $1.99 which we thought was great, although we figured they would probably be small, but since we really weren't hungry, well this "snack" would be super good for us.
Jose placed the order and when we went upstairs to wait for the burgers I was a little worried to see the place practically alone, because I thought that surely the food was not good, since the fair was full, and that place was empty, but I could not be more wrong.
A few minutes after we sat down, the little device they gave us to wait for our food rang, indicating that the hamburgers were ready, and although it is true that they were not huge, I can tell you that their flavor was really incredible, and they had a good amount of pickles, which I was very grateful for because I love them. So we set out to enjoy our burgers and our impromptu date in a place just for us and eating delicious food.
The truth is that it was a pretty cool moment, since we don't usually go out to eat alone, and although it wasn't the plan for the afternoon, it turned out much better, and we are definitely going to start having more often these moments of sharing just us without the kids, because we definitely need it.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu