Putin said if NATO/The US missiles are used to hit places inside Russia, then nuclear weapons are an option.
And, it has been said that The US authorized missile strikes into Russia. Who? Our president was getting lost in the Amazon jungle at that time.
A bigger game, by bigger players is being played. And these bigger players seem to want WWIII.
During this time, the world will be shown the evil that used to lurk in the shadows.
The world will be shown the psychopaths and sociopaths who have been causing wars for the last thousand years.
However, this is not going to be a nice, Scooby Do, unmask the villain and everyone lives happily ever after. No, we are going to have to unmask all of these bad people, and their bad actions, and choose to not follow them. We will have to clean up all the evil they have caused. We will have to heal all the hardships of war.
And, while we do that, the earth will be changing. Earthquakes, storms, floods, ice-age will make living difficult, but it will also make large scale wars impossible.
Then you add in the VAXXX, and the likelihood that those mother WEFers plan to release another disease, along with another jab, and we will see a lot of death from Wars, Natural Disasters and the VAXXX.

We are being silly
Instead of fighting, instead of bringing in lots of immigrants to maintain the illusion of growth (for the stupid financial system based off of birth certificates), we should be working together to harden our lives, and our electrical and communication systems.
We have entered an ice-age. We will start seeing month long ice storms. Our living in cities, or in individual houses far apart in the country is a huge weakness.
We need to be forming small communities with continuous, not reliant on outside fuel sources, is essential. Things like geothermal energy will fit the bill well. Providing power and heat to the entire small community.
We are facing an extinction level event, and those mother WEFers want to reduce the planet's population by evil means, to bring about their awful prophecies.

Plan for death
"You must give up the life you have planned, in order to have the life that is waiting for you" - Campbell
So many people today are through with the rat-race, however, they are still stuck in the job-house-car debt cycle. Still stuck in the cities. Still stuck in the debt and death paradigm that is crony-capitalism.
All the movies that we have show how to get ahead by being a wall street banker. There are very few movies about someone starting a business, an entrepreneur building a business over many years. In fact, that way of thinking is extremely discouraged.
Instead, they push the bling, and the fast cash. So many people's plans to retire is winning the lottery. Very few understand saving. Fewer understand investing.
And fewer understand that entire way of life, the bling and fast cars, is about to come to an end. That have a job to afford a house, so you can have a car and drive to work… is all about to end.
You have heard that AI is going to eliminate a lot of jobs, right? You have heard this, because those mother WEFers want you to hear this. T.H.E.Y. are about to destroy an entire layer of jobs. All the paper filing-stacking-sorting-moving jobs are about to become history. The manufacturing jobs are going to get roboticized. That is the mother WEFers' plans.
And in their plan, you will live in your small cubicle, and stay in your 15 minute city open air prison. And many people will experience that in the near future.
The rest of the people will move to be with like minded people and start a self-sufficient community.
Disease, famine, war and weather will eliminate the rest of the people.

Prepare for death
A lot of people are going to be shuffling off their mortal coils.
There will be so many dead, that we will not be able to deal with it. We don't have enough crematoriums. We will be doing what they pretended to do during the Covaids plandemic.
All of the "immigrants" will be going back to the south. If nothing happens, they will be moving back because it will get too cold for them to live. But, i expect things to happen, and for the northern people's patience to run out. Then any spark, and they will be hunted. They will be running south.
A lot of them won't make it.
Fortunately we will not have another great flood, where you are either on an ark, or you are drowned under the waters of heaven. (heaven meaning up, probably from above the firmament). There will also be no great meteors impacting the planet.
But, you will grow your own food, in your own greenhouse, or starve.

Everyone who tries to hold onto their old lives, will perish. (unless your current life is growing your own food.) Those people who are stuck in the rat-race, and are still trying to win that race, will find themselves without life. The big corporations are all going to collapse. The ways of BigPharma, BigAg, BigEntertainment will ensure their destruction.
A lot of people cannot let go of what they think is their future. Just like many people have still not purchased any crypto. They believe in the old story. The old dream. They believe in the power of the dollar (or the Euro). And, that entire system is going away. To live, you have to let it go.
So, find your community. Forget about your 401k, it is already gone.
Crypto is great, and will be the transition into new money, but it will not buy everything. Or, at sometimes, anything.
You will need to grow food. Because you will not be able to rely on others to grow it for you. Further, you will not be able to trust others to not poison you. Most everything in the supermarket today is filled with one form or other of poison. So, in the future, growing food will become one of the most important tasks. Start learning, if it is a container garden.
The future for those who survive will be very bright. We will have tech that will make Star Trek nerds blush with envy. Our systems of working together will be much better. Our manufacturing will be local, and incredibly advanced.
Please strive to stay alive and adapt as our current now keeps changing.