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RE: T.H.E.Y. Want You To Go Hungry.

in Informationwar27 days ago

"...we aren't seeing any other birds with the bird flu."

Not actually factual. Turkeys, ducks, and even Ostriches have been subjected to avicides. Also, PCR doesn't test for viruses. It is targeted on snippets of genetic material claimed to be exclusive to H5N1, but was shown during the plandemic to actually be generic coronavirus components, that were also part of the common cold. I have no specific information about their targets, but assume their practices are the same because their motivations are similarly malign.


You're sure right on the money about the intentional degradation of the diet available to the good people in the crosshairs of the Machiavellian schemers intent on robbing humanity of their property by the mechanism of murdering them en masse and taking it from their cold, dead hands.

" one can find them."

Stargate makes that security by obscurity obsolete. The Elon's global surveillance network of ~64k satellites, when complete, will see everything everywhere, even able to see underground enough to spot ad hoc development. The solution is to embrace the exploding means of production that enable modern technological defenses to be implemented. Drones are the obvious go to forces that will be deployed, and having a healthy understanding of their weaknesses is going to be critical to the survival and prosperity of free people going forward.
