It’s more like a try and error situation because every child has what he prefers to eat. I remember how one of my sisters loved to take soupy foods when she started taking in solid food but our youngest didn’t take anything aside tea. As they grow, their eating habits gets better but if care is not taken , these kids might end up malnourished. About a month ago, I had my mom calling me from home to tell me about how my junior sister of around 9 years refuses to eat because she doesn’t want to get ‘fat’. My first question was, who told her she would get fat if she eats.
The funny part of all this was that, even if she was to eat, especially when it is supper, she would only take a spoonful and that would be it. My mom was worried because she was scared this kid would end up malnourished and everything she did to get her to eat wasn’t working as fast as she wanted it to. I knew how stubborn kids can be so we eventually had to twist everyone’s diet a bit and tell them that these foods won’t make them fat but rather healthier while also making sure they all got the nutrients they need on the daily basis.
This was because we couldn’t give her the same meals and tell her they won’t make her fat as she has been made to believe. But a little tweak sure did the magic. Today, she’s eating well and getting her usual calories a day. So, she wouldn’t have to worry about getting ‘fat’ and we also wouldn’t worry about her getting malnourished.
Kids are clueless and they are bound to believe anything their young minds are fed with. And so, dealing with them had to be very strategic. Having balanced diets on the daily basis is crucial for their growth and development and it’s our responsibility as caregivers to pay keen attention to that.
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