(Bakso dan Batagor) Meatballs and Batagor

in CCH6 months ago

Meatballs and batagor are delicious! Meatballs, with a savory broth and chewy meat balls, are very delicious eaten warm. Meanwhile, batagor, a mixture of fried tofu meatballs with peanut sauce and soy sauce, provides a crunchy sensation on the outside and soft on the inside. Both are very suitable for an afternoon snack or light lunch, especially if you add spicy chili sauce.

For me personally, both are delicious in their own way - the meatballs are more savory in the sauce and the batagor are more crunchy and have peanut sauce.

In Indonesia, meatballs and batagor are very popular and liked by various groups, from children to adults. This food is famous as a favorite snack in various regions. In general, meatballs and batagor are loved by General public - Both in urban and rural areas, meatballs and batagor are easy to find and are the choice of many people as snacks or main meals.

Best Regards @p3d1