The best Dutch tradition at the end of the year.
A dutch treat that is like fried dough and it’s so good.
It’s dough with raisins and sugar. They are fried in oil and are as big as tennis balls. It’s available everywhere. Typical are the food trucks we call OLIEBOLLENKRAMEN near every mall and in the city centre we have so many. And the price varies from 0,80 to 1,10 euro per oliebol.
We eat it at New Year’s Eve especially and we eat it together with the champagne at 00.00 to celebrate the new year. Normally you eat one or two. And oliebollenare not the only ones there are small ones without raisins and also apple ones.
Ofcourse we got them today when we got the groceries and I had to try one tonight and make a blog. But this year I did not start with an oliebol but I started with a APPELFLAP
It’s the same dough but not with raisins in it but with apple and almond pasty inside.
No dutchie doesn’t have or eats them these days. It’s also good to heat them up in the oven and add some powder or cinnamon sugar.
They are awaiting tomorrow evening and are in seperate bags in the kitchen.
The smell is amazing and for the kids I bought small ones with extra sugar and without raisins. Ofcourse they had one already aswell we just can’t resist!!
Some Dutchies prepare them themselves in the kitchen or garages but I think it’s to much hassle. The smell of the oil and frying is huge. So I just buy them local. Tomorrow is the last chance to get them super fresh. But the rows in front of all the foodtrucks are so long, I don’t want that that’s why I can say I am down and ready for a great last day and a great last evening of this year, with friends and family. With Dutch OLIEBOLLEN

❤️ Until we read again, thank you for stopping by its appreciated. Remember always focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy. Consistent Actions Create Consistent Hive Results. Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.
I am a co founder for
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co-founder for @heyhaveyamet.
All images and photographs are created and owned by me so @brittandjosie originals and otherwise it will be specified.
Sources used : It is mentioned in my blog.
When the source is missing, please tell me I am only human and don’t want to do anything wrong or even plagiarise. I do make mistakes. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone 13 pro max for my images.
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