Hello culinary lovers!
Happy Monday to all.
On weekends we usually spend time going out to play or just eat. But when we were on our way out, my sister-in-law called me. She said to immediately follow their family to a cafe to enjoy dinner.
To be honest, I didn't really want to follow them. Because of course I know that weekends are a day for my little family. But my sister said that they invited us to dinner for her beloved husband's birthday.
Yes, finally my husband and I followed them to the cafe that my sister had mentioned. And when we got there, it turned out that my in-laws were already present at the cafe with my sister.
We immediately ordered the food menu that we would eat. My husband and I ordered our own menu. Yes, I chose the Chicken Kastu Kuah Curry Menu with Avocado Coffee drink
And of course, what is not to be missed when celebrating a birthday is. My sister ordered a mini yellow rice cone that has a lot of deep meaning to celebrate an event, especially a birthday.
As I said earlier, Tumpeng has a deep meaning (the cone shape symbolizes the hope and greatness of God, and the yellow color of the rice has the meaning of wealth and the side dishes also have a beautiful meaning.
I was quite surprised when an order came to our table, and it turned out to be my brother's order. He ordered a fairly large Lemon Tea hahaha
We also ordered some other food which was quite delicious.
There are steaks, smashed chicken and also Hotplate Tofu seafood with sauce that always tastes delicious.
The taste of the food as much as it will be very delicious and a blessing because of the togetherness that accompanies us. I am very grateful for the deliciousness of the food that I enjoy today and of course I am very grateful for our togetherness today.