Banana Bread with Chocolate Chunks ~ my favorite gluten free recipe

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)

Personally I really enjoy chocolate-laced desserts but, my food allergies and intolerances have made most store bought treats off limits. I also live really far from town so running by the shop every time I have a craving would take hours. Instead I have formulate my own set of recipes that avoid the ingredients that give me rashes like peanuts & margarine as well as those ingredients that are often listed as unhealthy, namely white sugar and white wheat flower.


Over the years I have tried out a lot of different types of flour, from coconut to whole wheat and ultimately decided that the best banana bread is made with rice flour or a combination of rice and coconut flour. Neither my partner nor I are strictly gluten free but we have both felt many health benefits now that we have been avoiding overly processed ingredients - so for this reason this recipe is wheat & white sugar free!


The Ingredients ~

  • 2 very ripe bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of brown rice flour (white rice flour also works)
  • 3/4 cup of raw, blonde, or evaporated cane sugar
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of maca powder
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons of butter (or coconut oil)
  • chocolate chips or baker's chocolate
  • (optional) grated coconut

From time to time I have tweaked this general recipe and invite you to do the same. For example I may add 1/2 cup of brown rice flower and the other half coconut flour. Other times I simply add the pulp from almond or coconut milk as one portion of the flour and about 3/4 cup of rice flour for the rest. This recipe is meant to be a basic guide, so go a head an experiment with ingredients and proportions.

For the most part I use a blender to mix the ingredients starting with the bananas and the eggs then adding the sugar, baking powder and maca. I let this batter blend until fulling incorporated and looking creamy. Then I pour the liquid into a bowl and slowly mix in the cup of flour with a spoon.

At first the batter will be very liquid as the flour takes a bit of time to soak up the juices of egg & banana. It is best to let the batter "rest" for about 30 minutes to an hour before baking. During this time I started pre-heating the oven and the baking recipient.


Once a half an hour passed I buttered the baking tray and poured in the batter which had thickened a bit though is meant to be rather runny.

With my food allergies I am pretty picky about what chocolates I can add to my snacks. I won't die if I eat the wrong chocolate but, I would really like to avoid getting rashes and acne all over my face! I have found that most chocolate includes hydrogenated oils as a preservative and that is on my to-avoid list. Fortunately not all chocolates include this irritating ingredient!


If only I had know this in my 20's I could have avoided a lot of discomfort, oh well. I say all this to explain why I don't use chocolate chips and instead chop up baker's chocolate that is devoid of hydrogenated oil.

Just before baking I like to add a little layer of shredded coconut on top. This isn't at all necessary but it is a nice decoration and very tasty!


The banana bread takes between 15 and 18 minutes to bake. I have a semi-broken toaster oven that requires an 18 minute cook time but a more solid gas over could do the job in 15 minutes. The key is to make sure the bread has thoroughly baked by sticking a fork in the middle. If the fork comes out clean, your good!


Once baked the b-bread should cool for about a half an hour. It can be hard to wait that long but, worth it! We tend to eat one half for an afternoon snack and save the rest, in a closed container, for breakfast with coffee!


Que rico se ve ese pastel, lo mejor de todo lo saludable que es, pero en si amiga lo que más me encanta es como lo elaboras al aire libre, que hermoso paisaje tienes a tu alrededores, saludos ☺️

Lo mas lindo de donde vivo es definitivamente afuera. Adentro esta muy oscuro y no salen bien las fotos para nada. Asi usamos el patio como si fuera un cuarto de la casa. Muchas gracias por tomar el tiempo a leer, ver, y comentar!! Saludos

Your cakes look good

It is really good ~ so I just had to share this recipe as it can be hard to find gluten free AND margarine free options these days in shops. At least where I live.


Looks very tasty, this one made me hungry today

I hope you can give this recipe a try and taste it first hand!