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Hi @chaskamaska

Before making any publication on Hive, you must make an introductory post (in the community you choose), in which you must indicate your name, the place you live, your interests, how you found out about the existence of Hive, and what topics you will address in your blog.

This introduction post must include photos of you, so we can get to know you. In addition, you must use the tags #introduceyourself #introducemyself among others.

We invite you to read the following posts carefully:

And this other too

 2 months ago Reveal Comment

Welcome to Hive.

To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the Hive blog in your Instagram profile?

You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup

 3 months ago Reveal Comment