! [English Version] Hello to all my cooking friends, welcome to my blog; I had been a little absent in these parts since I'm working on a project at home that I will show you later.
! [English Version] In my house, when it comes to cooking my daughters' favorite dish is chicken, we rarely eat red meat or even fish, what we do try to do is to vary the way it is prepared and the ingredients we are going to use so that they can eat it; today I bring you a delicious recipe with chicken wings with vegetables and the special touch; cream of milk.
Paso/Step 1
! [English Version] Chop the paprika into julienne strips and the onion; place in a frying pan with a little oil and fry until the onion crystallizes and then set aside.
Paso/Step 2
! [English Version] Peel the carrots and chop them into julienne strips, as well as the cauliflower to parboil.
Paso/Step 3
! [English Version] We season our wings with sabroseador salt, add onoto liquid and 1/2 teaspoon of mustard and cook them on both sides in the same pan where we fried our onion and paprika.
Paso/Step 4
! [English Version] Then we put the wings together with the seasonings and pour 200gr of milk cream and 100gr of Parmesan cheese, let it cook over low heat for 3 minutes just for the chicken to absorb the milk cream.
Paso/Step 5
Y listo; así ha quedado mi plato de hoy, queridos comensales nos vemos en una proxima oportunidad para compartirles una nueva receta.
! [English Version] And that's it; that's how my dish turned out today, dear diners, see you in the next opportunity to share with you a new recipe.
¡Gracias por su visita!
El texto es de mi autoría
Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung A20
Editor de imágenes Canva y Picsart
Traductor utilizado DeepL.
! [English Version] The text is my own
The photos were taken with my Samsung A20 phone.
Image editor Canva and Picsart
Translator used DeepL.