Chocolate: The Ultimate Sweet Treat [EN/ES]

in Foodies Bee Hive6 months ago (edited)

Photo of me, background done with AI

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Que delicia, ya de solo pensar en el chocolate el ánimo mejora. Con chocolate todo es un poco mejor. El chocolate es antiquísimo. Estaba mucho antes de que yo naciera, antes de que mi mamá y mi abuela nacieran y aún más! El chocolate es un dulce que acompaña a la raza humana desde hace ya mucho tiempo. Sus inicios son de nuestra querida América Latina más precisamente México. Aunque su nacimiento tal cual lo conocemos no está claro. En esa época los habitantes originarios aún no tenían lenguaje escrito. Todo lo que se sabe es en base a arqueología. Se sabe que los aztecas, mayas e incas lo consumían, pero todo indica que su consumo es aún más antiguo.

Inicialmente se consumía el cacao. El chocolate más parecido al contemporáneo es un invento inglés a principios del 1800. Pero ya era popular en Europa desde el 1500 aunque su consumo era completamente diferente. En Inglaterra se hizo la primera producción de chocolate en barra. Pero si bien la historia es bastante interesante, mejor no investigar mucho sobre cómo se produce el chocolate hoy día. Mejor concentrémonos en cosas más alegres, sobre lo delicioso de este manjar ancestral.

Su sabor es indescriptible, a pesar de su color oscuro que contraste con su dulzura y personalidad. Es diferente a todo y tiene una gran versatilidad a la hora de sus presentaciones. Desde helados, tortas, alfajores, galletas y sin mencionar que como puede derretirse y volver a endurecerse se hacen estatuas, adornos para confitería y tantas otras cosas. No solo es exquisito sino que tiene una cantidad de usos infinitas. Una vez dentro de la boca, comienza a disolverse rápidamente. Su olor y su sabor inunda nuestros sentidos instantáneamente. Tiene un olor distintivo y difícil de olvidar, es un gatillo en nuestra mente. Conozco pocas personas que no les gusta el chocolate. Es casi un gusto universal, una delicia incomparable. Acá en Argentina aparte lo consumimos con el dulce de leche que es equiparable en gusto y al olfato. El dulce de leche es un caramelo de leche y azúcar que se cocina hasta el punto de casi quemarse. Combinado con el dulce de leche es una de las mezclas más ricas que probé en mi vida. Aunque bueno, consumirlo en exceso puede ser bastante difícil de digerir y es normal indigestarse con su consumo.

What a delight, just thinking about chocolate improves your mood. With chocolate everything is a little better. Chocolate is very old. It was there long before I was born, before my mother and grandmother were born and even more! Chocolate is a sweet that has been with the human race for a long time. Its beginnings are in our beloved Latin America, more precisely Mexico. Although its birth as we know it is not clear. At that time, the original inhabitants did not yet have a written language. Everything that is known is based on archaeology. It is known that the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas consumed it, but everything indicates that its consumption is even older.

photo of my own phone

Initially, cocoa was consumed. The chocolate most similar to contemporary chocolate is an English invention in the early 1800s. But it was already popular in Europe from the 1500s although its consumption was completely different. The first production of chocolate bars was made in England. But although the history is quite interesting, it is better not to investigate too much about how chocolate is produced today. Let's focus on more cheerful things, on the deliciousness of this ancestral delicacy.

Candys from a shop nearby. Photo of my own

Its flavor is indescribable, despite its dark color that contrasts with its sweetness and personality. It is different from everything and has great versatility when it comes to its presentations. From ice cream, cakes, alfajores, cookies and not to mention that since it can melt and harden again, statues, decorations for confectionery and so many other things are made. Not only is it exquisite but it has an infinite number of uses. Once inside the mouth, it begins to dissolve quickly. Its smell and flavor floods our senses instantly. It has a distinctive and hard-to-forget smell, it is a trigger in our mind. I know few people who do not like chocolate. It is almost a universal taste, an incomparable delight. Here in Argentina we consume it with dulce de leche, which is comparable in taste and smell. Dulce de leche is a caramel made of milk and sugar that is cooked to the point of almost burning. Combined with dulce de leche, it is one of the most delicious mixtures I have ever tried in my life. Although, consuming too much of it can be quite difficult to digest and it is normal to get indigestion from consuming it.

Chocolate cookies and my mouse =3 (photo of my own)

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I love chocolate 😍😂😂

It's my go to sugary snack 😂😂