Disfrutamos en familia una sopa de Pata de Res, puro colágeno/We enjoyed a Beef Pata Soup as a family, pure collagen. ESP- ENG

in Foodies Bee Hive10 months ago


Cuando hay buena sazón somos capaces de probar nuevas comidas sabiendo su procedencia, en lo particular soy amante de las sopas, sea de pollo, costilla lagarto, pescado, sin embargo mi preferida es de costilla de res.

Pasado este fin de semana teníamos la visita de nuestra querida Leo, y entre antojos queríamos sopa, a ella se le ocurre hagamos una sopa de Pata de Res quede un poco pensativa porque nunca la había probado ni sabía que existía. Bien nos fuimos a la carnicería y corrimos con la gran suerte que habían frescas.

Estábamos muy ansiosos en probar esta sopa que por lo que me decia ella era como estilo sopa de mondongo (panza).
No describiré una receta paso a paso , ni cantidades exactas SOLO MI EXPERIENCIA, un resume como la preparamos y disfrutamos el proceso

When there is good seasoning we are able to try new foods knowing their origin, in particular I am a lover of soups, whether chicken, lizard rib, fish, however my favorite is beef rib.
After this weekend we had a visit from our dear Leo, and between cravings we wanted soup, it occurred to her that we should make a Pata de Res soup. I was a little thoughtful because I had never tried it nor did I know it existed. Well, we went to the butcher shop and were lucky that they had fresh ones.
We were very eager to try this soup, which from what she told me was like a tripe (belly) soup style.
I will not describe a recipe step by step, nor exact quantities, JUST MY EXPERIENCE, a resume of how we prepared it and enjoyed the process


Lo único que diré que compraron alrededor de dos kilos de patas, y kilo y medio de verduras. Nos reímos mucho en el proceso les ayude, pero quién la preparo fue nuestra amiga Leo y mi mamá.

Se esmeraron lavando y limpiando las patas que vinieron ya picadas en ruedas la pusimos a la olla de presión, me encargué de picar los aliños llámese cebolla, apio España, ajo, ají, cebollín. Además picamos las verduras en cuadros medianos, auyama, batata, yuca y estás las cocinamos a parte en una olla grande.




Todos con ganas de almorzar una vez blandas las patas a los 25 minutos, las agregamos a la olla donde se cocinaban las verduras, agregamos los aliños y empezamos a condimentar sal al gusto pimienta, orégano, comino, ya casi al final que se vea que tomen sabor agregamos un puño de arroz y el cilantro picado para que suelte todo su aroma y sabor.

We were very eager to try this soup, which from what she told me was like a tripe (belly) soup style. ** I will not describe a recipe step by step, nor exact quantities, JUST MY EXPERIENCE, how I saw it prepared as they say, eye to eye enough for you to have an idea**

The only thing I will say is that they bought around two kilos of legs, and a kilo and a half of vegetables. We laughed a lot in the process, I helped them, but the ones who prepared it were our friend Leo and my mother.

They did their best to wash and clean the legs that came already chopped into wheels, we put them in the pressure cooker, I was in charge of chopping the seasonings called onion, Spanish celery, garlic, chili, chives. We also chop the vegetables into medium squares, pumpkin, sweet potato, cassava and we cook them separately in a large pot.

Everyone wanted to have lunch, once the legs were soft after 25 minutes, we added them to the pot where the vegetables were cooked, we added the seasonings and began to season with salt to taste, pepper, oregano, cumin, almost at the end you can see that To get flavor, we add a handful of rice and chopped cilantro so that it releases all its aroma and flavor.






Una vez que tome un poco de espesor y se concentren los sabores estaría lista, felices de probar esta delicia que realmente es puro COLÁGENO, mi tías, mi mamá y yo nos servimos una buena parte es bastante contundente y sinceramente me GUSTÓ, tiene un parecido al mondongo pero no es el mismo sabor. Puedo decir que quedó sabrosisima.








¿Alguna vez la haz comido? Cuénteme su experiencia

Once it thickens a little and the flavors concentrate it would be ready, happy to try this delight that really is pure COLLAGEN, my aunts, my mother and I served ourselves a good part, it is quite filling and I honestly LIKED it, it has a similarity to the mondongo but it is not the same flavor. I can say that it was deliciouslunch.

Have you ever eaten it? Tell me your experience

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi T11, traductor Google.
The photos were taken with my Xiaomi T11 cell phone, Google translator.



Esta sopa full colágeno no solo se ve deliciosa sino que también es muy buena para las articulaciones. Debo hacerla en casa.

Y lo mejor de todo que nos rejuvece 💕😁espero puedas atreverte hacerla solo conté un resumen de mi experiencia porque era algo nuevo y rico