Perfect food and perfect atmosphere
Home made Apple Crumble
I've only seen @lizelle's cooking and baking on her blog so I was really privileged to sample her amazing food and baking.
She made a roast chicken with baked potatoes and veg for us and then we had this delicious dessert. Ten Stars (or more)
I can highly recommend Lily's cottage in Natal. What a lovely home @lizelle takes care of and anyone looking to Airbnb - this comes highly recommended.
With @lizelle and @emcandlish
Wine and Lindt Chocolates
On Saturday after my interview with Styles on the Top 40 of KZN where my song entered at #32 -we went for lunch with Jackie to a restaurant called Platinum Belt. The food was delicious and the company was amazing. So much to chat about and catch up with after all these years.
On Sunday Danny Guselli also from East Coast Radio invited us to lunch at his house. There we had a delicious creamed pasta with Chicken and a gorgeous salad and chocolate mousse for dessert.
Once again the company was outstanding. So much chatting and of course we forgot to take a photograph.
We did however, capture the food and the amazing view from Danny's balcony.
Perfect food and perfect atmosphere
Much Love
Eden 😘
🎧 🎶 M U S I C 🎶 🎧