Hello dear friends of Foodies Bee Hive. It is a pleasure to share with you a simple recipe to make stewed meat with potatoes and carrots. I will show you step by step and an exquisite result.
✓1 Papa grande.
✓500 Libras de carne para guisar.
✓1 Cebolla grande.
✓1/2 Zanahoria.
✓1 Pimentón mediano.
✓3 Dientes de ajo.
✓Sal al gusto.
✓Salsa Inglesa.
Pasta de tomate.
Ingredients ✓1 large potato.
✓500 Pounds of meat to stew.
✓1 large onion.
✓1/2 Carrot.
✓1 medium paprika.
✓3 Cloves of garlic.
✓Salt to taste.
✓ Marinade.
✓English Sauce.
Tomato paste.
To start the recipe, I put the meat in a pressure cooker for about 20 minutes so that it softens a little. We add three crushed heads of garlic, half a tablespoon of salt, chives, onion and cover.
Chop the onion, the paprika, crush the garlic and chop the chives. We put it in a frying pan with enough oil. We fry for about 5 minutes.
We remove the meat from the pressure cooker and place it in a cauldron with the previously sautéed seasonings, stirring until incorporated.
Next we added the Worcestershire sauce, the marinade and we added a small amount of the water with which the meat had been softened, we added salt to taste and the tomato sauce and covered.
Finally, we add the diced potatoes and carrots to the stew and let them cook until they soften.
We serve and enjoy a delicious stewed meat with potatoes and carrots.
Resultado 🍛
Buen Provecho🍛
The images were captured from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela