So let me share our take on empanadas ^-^. With out a further a do let's start making empanadas. Here's the ingredients. (Ps: I'm not a hm student so if I'm made a mistake feel free to comment ^-^)
For the dough:
6 cups of cake flour or all purpose flour
2 cups of white sugar
2 large eggs
Half of the ¼ margarine
Small can of evaporated milk
For the filling:
½ a kilo of ground pork ( or any protein you like),
4 large potato's
1 large carrot
1 onion
1 garlic
1 bell pepper
1 oyster sauce
Soy sauce
Magic Sarap sachet
1 pack of raisins
1 tidbits
1 ground pepper
( i didn't get to pic the other ingredients )
So that is for the ingredients now lets go for the process. But let me warn you making empanada is not an easy task to do.
The process in making dough:
You have to put the 6 cups of flour to a big container then you put the 2 cups of sugar the you have to mix them first.
Next is to put all the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Crack the 2 large eggs to the flour then put the half of the margarine last is put the small can of evaporated milk. Then you mix it well until its well corporates.
Then you have to knead the dough until it form like this. After that set it aside so that we prepare the filling.
For the filling
You have to chop the onion,garlic and bell pepper into small dice also the potatos and carrots.
After you finish chopping the next step is to get a frying pan cause were gonna cook the filling. First is to put the frying pan to your stove then open your stove to a medium heat. Next is to put the dice onion,garlic and bell pepper , cook that until the garlic is close to golden color.Then you put your ground pork , after that you stir them together.
Then you add a pinch of salt, ground pepper, vinegar and your magic sarap ( just like uncle roger said “ use your feelings when you season your dish”)
After that you stir them together for a while and then put the 1 pack oyster sauce, soy sauce and you stir it up again
After that you put the dices potato and carrots together and you mix it all up.
And the last thing you put is the tidbits and raisins and you stir it up again and then your done.
Once that is done you have to put it in a strainer so that it can cool down and while that is cooling down you have to boil the eggs for 6 minutes and then you have to cool it down.
After all that you have to put all the ingredients to the table so that your work will not be interrupted. Now lets put it all together shall we?
Make a small balls from your dough and then flatten them all out with the rolling pin
If you have a molder put the flatten dough to your molder and then place your fillings. In our case it's the protein then the eggs, raisins, tidbits and the cheese.
After you put all your fillings is to close it all up using your molder or with your fingers.After that it should look like this.
And you repeat the steps until you ran out of dough or your fillings. Then you have to fry them all out of oil. Put you pan in the stove into medium heat. Put a lot of all just not all the way to the top of the pan like a half way just make sure that your empanadas will be submerge into the oil. Once your oil is hot put the empanada one by one but not to many. And wait up to 5 minutes for your empanada to cook perfectly. Once its cook get your empanadas out of the oil and put it on a strainer let it cool then voila you have your own empanada!
Wow! You’ve stay still till the end, And that’s how we make our version of empanadas . I hope you will try it in your home though it has a lot of process to do it.Let's keep this recipe secret just between us. See you again next time in my next blog. Bye everyone have a nice day ^-^.