Garlic chutney

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

Hi guys good morning everyone this morning I made simple garlic chutney recipe.
1/2 teaspoon to hing
1/2 teaspoon of salt to test
2 clove of garlic
3g of tamarind
1/2 teaspoon of Ural dal
3 pieces of dry red chili
1/2 onion
1/4 mustard seed
4 table spoons of vegetable oil
Small curry leaves.
1/4 cup of water



Pill your garlic and onions cut your onions into any size of your choice wash them before you cut, put your pan on the gas add 1 table spoon oil, add your onion, garlic and dry chilli

Once the color change to brown off your gas and allow it to cool down, then put into grander add tamarine, salt to test, some water and blend it.

Once it is ready then keep it aside

Now put back your pot and add your remaining 3 table spoons of oil, add mustard seeds, hing, Ural dal, stir small and add your curry leaves stir for 2mins and add your garlic grand

Stir it for some time and off your gas is ready

You can serve it with idily, dosa, etc. but right now am serving it with dosa



Next time I will show you how I make my dosa. Try this recipe is good for health love you All!


Am loving this recipe of yours, it looks simple and tasty 😋 as well.
Well done over there

Thank you ma!

Hi @favour35

I inform you that you can publish a single post every 24 hours, in one of these communities: Foodies Bee Hive, Amazing Drinks and Plant Power Vegan, no less than in that period of time. This is because the three communities are linked to each other

I understand that you are not aware because you are new, however I am informing you right now so that you know. In less than two days you have published three posts: Two in Plant Power Vegan and this one that you published in Fooodies Bee Hive.

Avoid these practices or your account will be silenced in all three communities.

Okay ma! Thank you so much

Nice chutney ❤️😍