I always look for the old cook books in second hand bookstores, there are real gems in there, and the older forefathers had tremendous knowledge about different foods we no longer use.
Some vegetables my family think I am crazy to eat, love it no matter, will make for myself. Small beetroot boiled simply skinned and eat. Turnips smaller ones wash well slice enjoy, raw cauliflower snap floret to eat, peas when young and fresh enjoy with skin, we never added oils or vinegar to any dishes like this.
Simplicity is key, right? The Italians knew this with their pasta recipes; honour the ingredients. Fresh young vegetables are so nice when eaten raw. I sometimes just add some lemon juice and olive oil for additional flavours. And when you boil the beetroot, add some extra one's and pickle them in a sweet and sour sauce - they are delightful when cold with some cooked meats. Simple cooking yields best results.
That is the surest way to cook the best-tasting food. Simple cooking always respects the ingredients.
We have all but lost this idea. Shops are always stocked with fruits and veggies out of season, imported from all across the world, grown in unnatural conditions.
Small grocery stores still run more local in season at a cheaper price, that is where I shop most of my fruit and veggies.
Sadly, these types of shops are far and few in my town. Or I am just not aware of them. I know about some local gardening communities that sell their veg and produce, but I wish this was more widespread. Would much rather support them than big chains.